the Little Girl | Teen Ink

the Little Girl

November 20, 2015
By FrontPageGuy BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
FrontPageGuy BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day after school, I went home but no one was there. It’s only me and my mom, but she’s usually at work, so I’m used to being at home by myself. This time was different though. I always get home around 3:00 PM after school and go straight to my room. This time I knew something wasn’t right, I knew my mom wasn’t at home and I knew that she would be at work all day. So I still had the feeling something wasn’t right, but I still went to my room like I usually do. I put on my shorts and a T-Shirt and laid down.

I took a short four hour nap and I woke up around 7:45 PM. I was hungry so I had went to the kitchen to find something to eat. As I was in my refrigerator looking for something to eat really quick, something wasn’t right. I looked at my kitchen table and there were scratches on it and on my left there was a butcher knife just sitting there with blood on it. I immediately got frightened and ran back to my room.

I cut on my light and TV. I called my mom and asked her if she had used the knife for anything and she said she hasn’t used the knife in so long. I suddenly heard a knock on my door while I was on the phone with my mom and I told her someone was knocking on my door. She thought I was joking at first until she heard my voice trembling and she heard the seriousness in my voice. She told me she would ask her boss if she could come home early because it was an emergency and he let her leave.

My mom is leaving work and I am still in my room frightened, the knocking had stopped so I kind of felt relieved. My mom stayed on the phone with me the whole time she was driving so she could make sure I was okay. Shortly, my TV and my light cut off so I told my mom and I was even more worried. The biggest problem was that my phone was only on 5% and I couldn’t even charge it because my power went out. My mom was trying her best to get home fast but she was stuck in late night traffic. My phone ended up dying in ten minutes.

I’m still in my room, frightened, wondering what’s going to happen next. I go to sleep shortly after my phone dies to kill time. But thirty minutes into my short nap I heard a little girl scream so loud, it instantly woke me up. I thought it was just a dream until I looked up to see a hideous little girl standing over top of me choking me to death. I couldn’t move, talk or anything. All I could do it move my fingers. Crying, I thought about to meet death until I heard my front door open, I was still worried, it was my mom. She called my name trying to see if I was okay and she banged on my door trying to get in, but it was locked. She quickly kicked the door down and the little girl vanishes into the air and my mom rushes to me. She asked was I okay, I was still scared but I was glad she was there to help me. She called the cops and explained to the cops what happened. We stayed with my aunt for a little while until we found a new place and we finally moved into our new home and we were fine after that.


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