Forbidden Basement | Teen Ink

Forbidden Basement

December 11, 2015
By Melanie_Zambrano BRONZE, Lafayette. Co, Colorado
Melanie_Zambrano BRONZE, Lafayette. Co, Colorado
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     It was never gonna be an ordinary day, I knew since by the time I woke up.My name was Alexa Martin.  It has been two days I barely moved in with my mom, I was living with my dad in Washington until he left a note saying that he had an emergency and that my mom would pick me up and that I had to stay some days with her. When my parents divorced the court law decided that I stay with my dad, only because he was closer to my school and during break I could visit my mom in Seattle. Her house was like a mansion in the middle of nowhere.

     My mom said that every wednesday she would go on a business trip and come back the next day in the afternoon. I got dressed wishing I had an excuse to go with her on the trip, was not very excited to be home alone. As I was walking to my mom’s room I heard someone yelp but in a very quiet voice as if they couldn’t talk. I was gonna go downstairs I thought it was something outside like a animal, but my mom catched me before I could. “Aren’t you gonna say goodbye?” said my mom. “Sorry ma, I heard something weird so I thought it came from downstairs. Are you sure I can’t go with you?” “Don’t make me repeat myself, NO!” I could tell that she was acting very strange she has never talked to me like that before. A car honked outside it was the taxi, I walked my mom downstairs.
     I helped put the bags in the car’s trunk while my mom was paying the driver. I was waiting to open the door for her to get in. She hugged me and whispered to me I love you, and I smiled as she was getting in the taxi. “Oh one more thing, don’t go the basement there was a animal that sneaked in there and couldn't get out so he died in there and it smells pretty bad. I’ll be back tomorrow in the afternoon” I was gonna get breakfast ready, my mom didn’t have any t.v. but she did have wifi, decided to watch a movie in Netflix. I was scared by the whole house I wanted to hide in my room till lunch time. There was barely any service for calling or texting, I was still worried about my dad the only way to reach out to him was by emailing him. All I said was that I just want to hear from him and if he’s okay and when will he be back. I took a nap at the time I woke up was like one o’clock, something woke me up sounded like something fell downstairs. I got pretty freaked out so put on my shoes and went into the city with my bike, which was only 15 minutes away.
       There was a mini donut shop thought I could spend some time there, and my mom mentioned that there was a library, I was gonna go there next to see if my dad had answered. When I was walking to the library with my bike from across the street I saw my mom getting off from the taxi. She only had a briefcase with her, I remembered that brief case it was my dad’s. For a second I thought that she picked him up from the airport that he was in town. I got on my bike to try to get to her, but she left so quick that she got on a building that looked like an apartment. I got my phone out and called her but she turned her phone off. I decided to wait outside the apartment she seemed very suspicious, but 3 hours later I decided to knock on the door. When I did a old lady answered the door, we both seemed confused until I talked. “Um do you live here?” I asked, “I do why?” she said. “I’m sorry if I seem weird but I saw my mom come in here and thought she was still here..” “Just go only I live here!” She said by interrupting me and slamming the door so hard made me really scared. I got a notification on my phone, I got a new email from my dad, only saying that he would be back in another week and that he was fine. For some reason I didn’t feel better I was still suspicious about my mom still being in town. From there I went home with my bike, I was still thinking of what I should say to her when I get home if she was home. When I went inside my house I heard the sound again from what woke me up, this time I knew it came from the basement, my mom was hiding something in the basement. I put it all together once I realized why she was so strange and yelling at me. I remembered that I saw a flashlight in every room just in case the lights went out.
     I ran to the kitchen because it was the closest flashlight I could find. Then I saw a medium size key, I took it to me just in case it was the key to the basement. I was a little bit scared to see what I was going to find, but at the same time I wish there was nothing really there. As I was walking to the door I noticed how the door knob had a key lock on it and I thought, “Yep” my mom is really hiding something. I put the key in and twist it around until it unlocked. As I opened the door it was dark and you had to climb down stairs that’s when I turn on the flashlight. I heard something moving like shivering and screamed out “Hello?” I climbed down faster to see what it was, I first looked at my left but there were a bunch of boxes and bags. I poked holes in all of the bags just in case if there were anything inside. But then I heard something moving on the other side, I stopped checking the bags and started to look on the other side. I was getting ready to what I was gonna find, that my mother was hiding. I first saw a big cage for like horses, and there were some syringes used probably, and in the corner was something curled up and wearing a flannel. It was a body, I thought. But I wasn’t so scared because I realized that i’ve seen that flannel before, and that was the last thing my dad was wearing. I felt like fainting but I had to take control and help my dad, all i could think of was my mom capable of doing something like this. I could still hear him breathing, so I was a little relieved. “Dad!, Dad!” I said. He was trying to talk but I unwrapped the duck tape that was in his hands. I noticed some bread on all over the floor and some bites on them. I checked on my phone and noticed there was some service and right away called 911. After my dad was waking up I heard someone opening the door and they were walking towards the basement, but then I heard more footsteps. A bright flashlight on my face and saw a shadow, outside I heard sirens and I was finally calm. The officers helped carry my dad to the ambulance car. When I called I mentioned that my mom was in town in the apartment I saw her. My mom was in the police car, the cop talked to me saying that she kidnapped him. The syringes I found were for him to go to sleep, she was drugging him all along. What I learned was when you find something suspicious trust your instinct not people.

The author's comments:

It's a fiction, I had a similar dream once.

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