500 New Faces | Teen Ink

500 New Faces

December 7, 2015
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the ones who are unfamiliar. I am the only one who doesn’t recognize them. 500 new faces, each different and unique. 500 names that do not ring a bell but yet they stay in this over crowded ballroom. 500 incomparable people standing in one room alone. From up in the ceiling of the room, I look down to gaze upon them all, but still one not one face is familiar.

Their strength is secret. They each have different features which makes them all unique. They grow tall and they grow small and each one standing at different heights. 500 faces still unknown.

Let one face become familiar and forget the reason for knowing them, the 499 remaining would all stand there, looking at me as if I should know who they are. Unknown, unknown, unknown they say when they’re near. They stare.

When I am too frustrated and too confused to keep pondering, when I am a lost person in the crowd of so many people. When there is nothing left I can do to find one person I may know. 500 who still go unrecognized. 500 who stare at me. 500 whose only reason is to play tricks on my mind.

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