Into the fog | Teen Ink

Into the fog

December 17, 2015
By MattyMex BRONZE, Riverside, California
MattyMex BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Claire and Orbeous staying together in this mysterious dream, a delirious old man and a young woman, what will happen?

Chapter 1: Its the End

The room was dead silent, except for the exasperated breathing of a woman hunched over on the floor. Bblood poured from her side and, the man hovered over her with a maniacal grin peeled across his lips.
“Dont mess with me next time,.” the man hissed out, taking his leave from the pitch black house.
When Claire awoke, she was in a dark forest, surrounded by trees that danced rhythmically in the wind, howling as if they were packs of wolves. She stood shakily, a chill brushed across her body, causing her to shiver and pull her cardigan closed.
Claire couldn’t remember anything that had happened previously, she began to wander aimlessly around the dense forest, searching for any sign of civilization, or even a gleam of life, it seemed as if she was all alone in this horrible nightmare. The pale moonlight illuminated the path ahead of her, as if it was directed to be there, wrought iron fences, glittering as if they were coated in a crystalline layer. Hesitantly, she followed the path into the darkness, unknown of what lies ahead.
“Hello?” Claire called out, not expecting a response.
“Welcome..Claire…”said an old shaky voice from amongst the darkness.
Claire jumped back hastily only to be greeted by a lavish wall, decorated in a variety of beautiful paintings, garnished with gothic candle holders, black wax dripped off of them, landing on the floor, but disappearing in an instant.
“Who are you?” Claire growled through gritted teeth
“Are you the one who brought me here!?” she muttered out
“I am Orbeous, overseer of those who have fallen to the darkness,.” he replied in a hushed voice.
The room was dark, flames began to dance along the walls, trailing all along the cracks in the old stone. While the flames danced along the walls they fell into a variety of colors, from black, to red, to orange, to blue, she was in awe, she could feel the uneasiness in the room, yet it was calming in a way.
Claire walked her way up to Orbeous, her shoes clicking rhythmically against the paved stone floor. She kept her eyes focused with his, glaring with a slight gleam in her eyes.
“Why...Why did you bring me here? What even is this place?” Claire said with a stern voice, showing no signs of backing down.
“Well it is really qutie simple, I brought you here for a reason, and that reason will be known later… since you’re here, I might as well put you to work. Do you know how to cast spells?” replied Orbeous, a small grin began to peel across his lips.
“Spells? What is this? What joke are you trying to play on me? Who put you up to this?” Claire said, spitting out the words.
“Why don't you calm down for now, and allow me to explain further." Orbeous replied calmly.
"This world is filled magic, it's all around us, on the walls, on the floor, in the long as you want to believe." He muttered, with a hint of disgust in his voice.
The next couple of days that Claire had spent in Orbeuses "domain", was filled with Orbeous teaching her simple spells and having her do simple tasks for him. Some of these were fending off his forest from the nymphs and imps that had wandered in.
Orbeous had summoned Claire to the main hall of his house, a sympathetic look peeled across his face. " young apprentice, it's time for you to wake up..."
His speech was interrupted by the continious beeping of a machine, the world around her began to collapse into itself, it felt like she was being pulled through nothingness.
She looks to her side, with blurred vision, she sees the outline of a heart monitor, and men standing over her bed...including one that looked distinctly like Orbeus.

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