Touch of Fear | Teen Ink

Touch of Fear

December 11, 2015
By Damarcus38 BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
Damarcus38 BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people are not scared of the woods but this story might change that. As one man will travel through the untouched forest, that will now be be touched by man for the first time. I don't think this forest will be happy to see a visitor. As this young traveler was strolling through the woods he could tell that something was up and it wasn't right but he just left it alone and kept on going. He eventually stopped to drink some water, when he put his water bottle down and went back to get it, the bottle disappeared and Carbrey Shaw was confused. Although he thought nothing of it he kept going only one thing, everything he had kept disappearing. This got to a point where he eventually had nothing.

when he finally realized that everything he had was gone he started to go crazy because he knew he was the “only one there”. He started screaming WHERE IS ALL OF MY STUFF!!!!!! There was no response and he even went more ballistic. He then gave up and kept walking on, at this point he did not know where he was going because he was originally on a pathway then somehow got off of it. In the distance he thought he saw someone, but in reality it was just a bush. Again and again kept thinking that a bush was a person it wasn’t. The woods kept tricking him into thinking someone was their. These woods just kept fooling Carbrey he eventually got back onto the old trial, he followed it for about two miles where he eventually ended up at the base of a waterfall. As he approaches it he sees all of his stuff sitting next to a rock. As confused as he is he takes it and leaves.

As the man is walking he is trying to figure out how is tuff ended up at the base of a waterfall he had never been there before. Carbrey starts thinking where he is and where he needs to go. Ultimately he does not care where he goes, as long as it is not in the creepy woods.He thinks he can get out but the woods have plans for him. As he is strolling along, he sees that their is a village in the distance but as he approaches he sees that it is a ghost town. He is bitter because he knows that the woods are fooling him into everything he thought was real. As he catches on to the woods tricking him, he tries to do the same thing. He is disastrous in the  the composing of trying to trick the woods.

He goes for one final attempt at it. What he did was try to make believe the woods into thinking he saw something when he did not. His plan actually worked he was able to device the woods into thinking that he was hallucinating. Carbrey was able to see an road an rail road, except only one thing stood in his way, a bear, he had no idea how to fight or not get attacked by the bear. The only thing that went through his mind was to run but. As he was running he realized that him running was probably not so bold. When he concluded that running was unclever. Carbrey was thinking about letting the Bear kill him and he did but he closed his eyes and then when he opened them there was no sign of the bear, nothing.

When Carbrey saw there was no bear he could here the woods laughing at him and saying that he was a fool. At this point carbrey was really freaked out yelled saying “let me go and leave me alone”. Finally he saw an path leading to a road but he could see that the only way out was if could beat the woods from closing in on him, he ran and ran what felt like forever only took 30 seconds. Finally out of the woods and onto the road gasping of air. He his so joyful that he is crying. As he is walking he feels drowsy, and he falls to the ground. When he falls he waked back up in his bed very sweaty. He realized it was all a dream.   

From a casual walk into the woods to his backpack going missing. Then to being chased by a bear and realizing it was all a dream is very intriguing but ultimately he did not get killed by the woods and die. If I were Carbrey I would be scared and dead. The bear and the waterfall really creep me out. Thus you should not walk alone in the woods.

The author's comments:

Never had written something cuite this big before. 

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