The Mirror | Teen Ink

The Mirror

December 17, 2015
By natelatt BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
natelatt BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cold and windy Friday night, and Jacob, a slender 13 year old boy, was in the midst of watching a TV show after putting his younger sister to bed. Twas a long afternoon of babysitting for Jacob. He was babysitting for his parents so they could go on a date, yet they were supposed to be back by now. Fifteen minutes ago in fact. He didn't think much of it at the time, although he was increasingly feeling more fear and nervousness.

Thirty minutes passed by, and it was now near 11 o'clock. Still, no sign of Jacob’s parents. He was beginning to sense sleepiness encounter his body, but he needed to stay awake until his parents had arrived back at the house. Jacob decided he should check on his sister, so he did just that.  He started up the stairs to Gracie's bedroom, wondering if the harsh thunder had awoken her, observing the lightning that illuminated the sky. As he opened the door to the two year old’s room, he saw stillness brought about the room, despite all the commotion that was taking place on the other side of the room’s only window. Jacob’s backyard was made up of a large field of crops that led to a meadow, and through the window, Jacob could just barely make out a small figure, standing way out in the distance. He ignored what he had perceived and went back downstairs.

Jacob had reached the bottom step of the stairs, and decided that he should call his parents to see where they were. He dialed the ten digit number of his dad’s cell phone, and waited patiently for the device to ring. However, it never did, because the fierce lightning outside had caused the phone call to fail. Seconds after Jacob put the phone down, the TV in the living room shut down and the screen began to fuzz and make an annoying buzzing noise. Now Jacob was concerned, for he had no contact with his parents and the absurd weather outside wasn’t helping much. The only thing that Jacob thought of to comfort his anxiety was to continue to check on his little sister. He went up to her room a second time and again examined a quiet, still room. The only sound that Jacob could interpret were raindrops tapping on the sturdy roof and the fan slowly swirling around in quick circles around the ceiling, sending a cool breeze throughout the room. Jacob glanced out the window only to witness the figure about a hundred yards closer than before. He hoped maybe he was just seeing things, but it was very distinct that there was something out the window. Jacob just couldn’t tell what that tiny black dot was. He exited the room, choosing not to suspect anything.
Going directly to the fridge, Jacob saw that the weather had suddenly quieted down, and looking out the window, it had, transforming into more of a gentle rain. This relaxed his nerves, but Jacob still felt troubled. Where were his parents? Why weren’t they home yet? What’s the mysterious figure out in the backyard? All these mind-disturbing questions raced through his head while he tensely munched on some delicious bagel bites, which were lightly calming him down, by the way.
Since the weather had steadied down, he attempted to call his parents again. The call went through, but no one picked up on the line. Calling multiple times, Jacob began to panic once again, to the point to where he was near tears. As soft tears streamed down his hot face, Jacob thought to check on his little sister again. Entering the bedroom for a third time, he wondered if that strange figure would be outside the window again. Stillness was present in the compact room, however other sounds were more distinguishable now as well, because the thunder and wind had completely stopped. The purring of the family cat could be heard, including an owl’s hoot in the distance. Jacob looked out the window and could confirm what the figure was; a human. The thought sinked through his brain more. A man! A man was in his backyard!

“What is he doing?” Jacob thought to himself, recognizing that the man was also holding something in his hand. The curious man was close to the house, Jacob realized, quenched at the sighting of the strange man. Was Jacob dreaming? Is this all just a terrible nightmare? It must be, was the justifying remark that entered into his confused mind. Jacob at last gave up, and he sprinted to his room and crashed on his bed, crying for help. Within seconds, Jacob fell asleep, his mind drifted into dreams of happiness.

Only ten minutes had passed since Jacob fell asleep when he was abruptly woken by the terrifying screams of Gracie from the next room. Jacob sat up, panicked. He jumped out of bed quicker than he ever had before, and sprinted to his little sisters room. The upstairs bathroom laid between the two rooms, and the he heard a dripping from the inside of the shower. The door to the shower was wide open as he passed, and he observed the most disturbing and horrific scene of his cat, hung on the shower head with it’s head half torn. Feeling like he might vomit all over the ground, Jacob continued dashing to his sister, but by the time he reached her, it was too late. Lying on the carpet floor of the room, was several cut up pieces of a body. That is, the body of Jacob’s two year old sister, Gracie. Scattered across the floor, seeming like the parts could go together like a puzzle. Next to the horrifying image of the two year old was an axe, with blood covering the blade. Jacob stood in shock, barely able to put together that the bloodstained axe was the weapon that murdered his sister cold.

Jacob felt himself losing control of his body, knowing he could very well pass out soon. He felt tears caused by many emotions stream fast down his hot cheeks, as he felt himself going under. Jacob’s body began to tip over as he noticed the writing on the window, written in the blood of his sister. In all capital letters across the window, we’re the words.. “THIS IS A MIRROR.” Jacob hardly at first understood the phrase on the window, but the words hit him just as he fainted to the floor. Jacob knew what the letters created from blood meant; the man had been in the room the whole time.

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