Crazy | Teen Ink


December 18, 2015
By Ash_la_fleur SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
Ash_la_fleur SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason.

He was roughly twenty five feet away from me, and I still wanted to be closer. Zach Baker and I had previously dated three months ago, but we had broken up because he said I was “crazy”. I felt an insane connection when I would see him in public. Going to all his football games I would sit on the very top of the stands, alone. Every night before I slept, I set a mission that no matter what I would get Zach Baker to love me.

Quickly, I crept up to where he was in the hallway. His Versace cologne followed behind him, sadly before I could get to him he turned into his seventh period class. I had kept how bad I wanted him to myself. I began to walk to my class as the memory of his dark, broad shoulders holding me in the chilly February night, the day he asked me to be his girlfriend, possibly one of the reasons that keeps me holding on. Before then, I was calm, only focusing on my future as becoming an artist. I filled out every college application possible for the art institute. Now the only focus I had was on Zach. He said all the right words to me, such as telling me I was his only one or simply just talking about our future as artists together. The way he said my name, Carolina, made my cheeks sore. His brown eyes lit up as the water on a lake. He was perfect for me. I just wanted him to realize that I was the one for him.
Finally, I reached my art class, the only class I actually had friends in. My friend Cara whispered in my ear as soon as I sat down, “ Did you hear Zach has a new girlfriend?”. My heart dropped yet still beating in the pit of my stomach. I kept quiet not wanting to interrupt the teacher from showing the class how to mold clay into bowls. Frustration of confusion blocked me from paying attention. I didn't give a f*** how to mold clay, learning how to mold clay was for seven year olds. The only thing I wanted to understand was why he would choose anyone over me. Wasn't I his only one?

After my teacher finished teaching, I pulled out my phone and went straight to every social media account he had. Facebook and Twitter had no signs of another girl. Lastly, I went to his Instagram. A redheaded, blue eyed tramp in a white bikini was holding my mans hand in a picture with them in his backyard pool. Suddenly, I noticed that his girl was familiar , I looked up from my phone, she was sitting straight across from me. She was to focused on her ashy hands molding clay to realize my eyes were snapping her neck. Cara noticed how sudden my mood had changed and she asked ” Are you okay?”. Ignoring her question, I asked her what the red heads name was in front of me. Cara responded, “ Bailey, I believe...why?” I showed her the picture on my phone, the only sentence she could get out was,” That girl does not know what's coming to her.”

“Carolina!” my name came from my teachers desk. He was pointing down at my table with a stern face. I snapped back into the real world. For thirty minutes, I had over analyzed every body part, every action, every breath Bailey had made. It was too late to get my supplies to mold my bowl. The last bell was going to ring in only two minutes. Gathering my backpack I went up to Bailey and told her that I had some different ways of knowing how to mold clay better than our art teacher, Mr. Satt. She seemed to not know me or had never heard my name spoken from Zach’s mouth. I was heartbroken he never talked about me, yet pleased she did not know me. Strangely, she was actually interested on my molding skills. The bell began to ring thinking she would rush out the door to the love of my life. She stayed next to my side like a stray puppy. The girl I had been planning on torturing this entire period was in my grasp. Faking a smile, I asked her if she would like to come over to my house. Bailey’s rosy cheeks created a dimple, “ Let me ask my mom.” she exclaimed in the hallway making our way to my car she made a call. Their conversations was quick and to the point a “yes, okay” and “bye” was the only words escaping her glossy, plumped lips. I really didn't have to ask her what her mom had said since her perky steps kept following mine. Luckily for me I knew every class Zach had and I took a route that would not let us run into him, heading to the football field for after school practice. Bailey the entire time never vocalized anything about her new boy toy like he was a ghost . We got into my beat up jeep, buckled up and headed straight for my house. I blasted the music having no care what she had to say. Her legs were crossed together just as I wanted to tie her neck and hang it on the ceiling fan.

I knew I had  a short time to find a clean way of getting rid of her. It needed to be done. Zach Baker was my life and she was taking my life steadily away. I had my mind set, no going back now. Once we reached my house, we went straight to my room. Realizing, I didn't want blood stains on my bedroom carpet . Quickly, I made an excuse telling her first we’ll go get a snack from kitchen. Right after, we will go for a walk to the park since I wanted to get to know her better and then come back to give her lessons. I gave her a bag of Lay’s chips in pantry, when she turned around to head out the front door I slide a bulky pocket knife in my back pocket. My baggy sweat shirt covered up any noticeable lump. Right when we she was in the middle of bragging about how amazing her little brother was in soccer, her phone rang. Bailey’s voice turned to a deep monotone with her communicating,” Okay, I’ll see you there.”, and hanging up. She explained to me how her mom wanted her to just meet up for dinner at Chili’s. I had no idea on what had been uttered but It didn't seem like a woman's voice to me. While she was telling me about herself for half of an hour, I was processing the way I wanted to kill and hide her body. Distracted, I noticed that I was no longer leading her to where I wanted to be ,I was follow her further into the woods. Playfully, she grabbed my hands in front of me and began to giggle. A sudden darkness covered her when she looked at me and said, “ You think I'm stupid ,don't you?” Confused, I tried to jerked my body away from her but, she held tighter. A body came behind me and covered my mouth, putting my hands behind my back taking the spot of where Bailey’s prints were once placed.  Mumbling I answered back, “What are you talking about?” She reached behind me and put her hand down my back pocket reaching for the knife.  She opened up the pocket knife ,held it up and said, “ Nice try.” Then the person behind me spoke,” Damn, this b**** think she the only crazy one, huh honey?” Before I could murmur his name, my tongue had been yanked out of my mouth, Bailey cuts through my tongue as scissors to uncooked liver. Tears flowed down my cheeks unable to say a word or move, Bailey stared directly at me mockingly and commented, “ Who crazy now?” Daggering the knife like she is about throw a dart she creates a cold breeze in my throat.

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