The Taps | Teen Ink

The Taps

January 21, 2016
By Kitkat_Kylie BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Kitkat_Kylie BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tap tap, tap tap. That was the sound I always heard. Every day, tap tap, tap tap. It’s always four taps, they come and go. Late, late at night when everyone should be asleep, I lay in bed awake. Tap tap, tap tap, I hear on my window. On the weekdays when I attend school, I still hear it. Tap tap, tap tap, I hear in the vents. Tap tap, tap tap, I hear as I walk down the hallways. I asked others if they heard it too, but I was told it was just my imagination. Every night I would hide under my covers, praying that it was my imagination. When I sit at the table with my parents in the morning, I ask them if they hear any tapping. They would always give me a strange look, as if I had grown three new heads, and say no. Every day I would ask them, and every day they would worry more about me. One day they had enough, my parents had told me that the devil himself was trying to communicate to me. So they locked me up in an asylum. When I got to my new home, the tapping stopped. The doctors still believed I was insane, even when I pleaded that the tapping had gone away. They kept me locked up for two long years. The day that I finally returned home I was ecstatic, I finally got to sleep in my own bed and not be bothered by the tapping. After enjoying a wonderful welcome home dinner with my family, I prepared myself for bed. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard the sound of light footsteps in the attic. Thinking it was nothing I finished up in the bathroom and went to bed. As I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling, I heard it. Tap tap, tap tap. I quickly pulled my blankets over my head and shut my eyes tight, hoping that if I ignored it, it would go away. It did just the opposite of that, that tapping grew louder and faster, until it was no longer taps. It sounded as if someone were pounding their fist into my window, like they were trying to break it. And that's when it happened, everything went silent. With a confused expression, I stuck my head out from underneath the blankets and looked around the room. Seeing nothing I shrugged and attempted to fall back asleep. Suddenly I heard the loud sound of someone running fast, and the pounding began again, “Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!” I heard a voice yell repeatedly from outside, “No! No! No!” I screamed back. Something came flying from the outside and crashed into my window, shattering it. The flying object went straight for my head and hit me dead in the center of my forehead. I screamed at the top of my lungs as it hits me, and my vision slowly goes dark. All I hear is static as I feel someone wrap their arms around my body, I open my eyes and see my mother and father. “W-What?” I whisper, quickly falling into an unconscious state right after the words had slipped out of my lips.

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