The Kidnapping | Teen Ink

The Kidnapping

February 22, 2016
By LaurenE.L. BRONZE, Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey
LaurenE.L. BRONZE, Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

      I take deep breathes through my nose. The masking tape that sticks on my mouth cuts off one way of getting my air supply. My tears make my cheeks feel hot and damp even though I am blind folded. I feel a block in the back of my jeans. It must be my phone. Suddenly, two hands yank me out of the van.
      I squirm and kick to get out of the man’s hold. I start to see stars and feel pain go through my cheeks to my head. The sound of doors creaking and the bounce of a man carrying me makes my head pound. I get tossed to the ground like a ragdoll. I try to squirm to something that gives me support. Eventually I find a wall. “If you try anything stupid you’ll regret it,” a threatening deep voice said. If it’s supposed to sound intimidating it worked.
       Don’t make any wise guy comments. Now is not the time. He rips the tape off my mouth leaving a stinging sensation. “You’re a monster!” I yell. Why can’t I control myself?
      “I’m the monster?” He starts to chuckle. “Little girl, you know nothing of monsters. But wait, you do.”
      “Don’t call me that,” I reply. My face scrunches in disgust, “and I don’t know any monsters except you.”
      “Let me tell you a little story,” he snarls. “My gang and I were pickpocketing. We needed a few extra bucks for… distractions. My little brother was there. The little brother that grew up to go to college. The little brother that became a doctor. The little brother that would never hurt a fly. He wasn’t there to pickpocket. He was there to stop me.” He takes a long pause. “It was too late. A cop saw and chased us down. My brother was too slow.”
      “What does this have to do with me?”
      “Your father was the cop.”
      My mind begins to race. “He didn’t know. But if you cared why didn’t you go and talk to my dad? Technically it’s your fault.” Why did I have to say that? Suddenly a sharp, cold metal presses against my skin. It starts to dig into the side of my neck but then the man puts the knife down.
      “I had no choice. The cops were already after me with a huge sentence. Pickpocketing will get him nothing.”
Wait, my phone. My dad can track it! “My dad will find you.”
      “Exactly the point my dear. Although you are blindfolded I am not. I obviously see that phone in your back pocket. A cop’s daughter must have some sort of tracking on it. I will get my revenge.”
      “My dad’s not dumb enough to come alone.”
      “Neither am I. My gang will come here shortly. You’re lucky, they suggested that I kill you since I don’t really need you anymore but I’m bored. When they come I might just put you out of my misery since I see you don’t like me very much.” He starts to chuckle.
      I can feel my heart go through my chest. “Don’t worry he’ll join you soon after,” he continued. With that I hear doors slam. It seems to come from outside.
      “Hey!” Another man screams.

The author's comments:

In my class we were talking about suspense and tension. I decided that I would include these elements into my story.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Aug. 19 2017 at 9:36 pm
LaurenE.L. BRONZE, Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I know this is from a while ago but no problem! :)

jemils said...
on Feb. 23 2016 at 8:34 pm
I love your essay because it inspired me to write my own essay for thanks a million

Fluffy said...
on Feb. 23 2016 at 7:37 pm
Tell me what happens next!

Fluffy said...
on Feb. 23 2016 at 6:37 pm
I love it... What happens next?

Harriet said...
on Feb. 23 2016 at 9:21 am
Nice job Lauren! Harriet