tests | Teen Ink


March 18, 2016
By Mariana01 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
Mariana01 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The woods are really dark and only one word comes into my mind, food, I haven’t eaten in days. I’ll tell you a bit about myself, this is a diary, my name is Melanie Cosgrow and I was in an airplane crash, many of us survived and many didn’t I’ve been in these woods for three days and I found this empty diary in the broken plane and I took it so I can write my experience so if they find it they know what happened, I’ll tell you what happened.
Three days ago……. “Mom why do we even need to go to Idaho I don’t even want to go” I really didn’t but I am fifteen and my mom said that if I went she’d buy me a lot of stuff for my new room. It was three in the morning, dark and the airplane started moving too much and everyone in the plane got scared. They told us to stay calm. Next thing we knew we were all sitting next to dead people and some alive. I was sitting next to this six year old named James he was crying but his parents survived too and I looked for my mom and dad and found them. We got out of the plane noticing that many people were dead and that we were lost.
Present……. My mom went to look for food and told me to stay. The date is January 3rd 1983 and well everything was fine except that I’m in the woods looking for food and other people that weren’t in the accident. The people that survived? Well, we all know each other now and stuff everyone is waiting for my mom to tell us if we will have food or not, there are eight survivors my mom, dad, Janice (fourteen years old), Ricky (nineteen years old), James (six years old), James’s parents Karen and Ed (forty and forty-two years old), me and three dogs (not survivors they survived but that’s the exact number of dogs there were in the plane, none died), Snowball (James’s dog, three years old), Charity (Janice’s dog, five years old) and my dog Goldie ( three years old). So in total counting the dogs there are eleven survivors. We have lived in the same place in the woods for these three days and well it’s been actually pretty fun, we know that we aren’t in an island or anything but we don’t know where exactly.
It’s January 6th and my mom did bring food that last time I wrote. I decided to make Janice and James be happier because they’ve been crying thinking they are going to die and never find their friends again and I see them as my friends I also think the same thing but I’m the second oldest so I decided to go to them.
“Why are you guys crying, wait I know you think you are never going to see your friends again huh? Well I also think that we won’t survive but I know that if we don’t at least we tried to survive and at least we had some fun”
“We haven’t had any fun at all we are super worried” said Janice.
“Well we’re about to because we all are going to see what we can find inside the airplane and in the woods and it won’t be like listening to music or whatever but we are going to have fun seeing what there is.” Turns out it was really fun we found this huge lake and we found a rope tied to the door from the dog’s cage so we tied them up and made a swing and we all swung into the lake and the dogs also jumped in and swam, we had so much fun it was a lot more fun than going outside.
Today’s date is January 10th we’ve been here for ten days now and we’re getting really bored but we deal with it. We had food which we don’t know where my mom gets it from but today I have an intention of figuring it out. Janice already went ahead so James, Ricky and I are left behind. Janice screamed something we didn’t really understand so we went to her and she said she saw someone that was not from our SSGOP which stands for Survival Supervision Group Of People and she said that there was two people a woman and a man the woman had a pink shirt and brown shorts and the man a blue T-Shirt and brown shorts and the woman let food on the ground when Janice saw them. She says that they may have left it there on purpose for some reason because she says that the woman saw Janice and left the food still looking at her than she left. We all went to look and see if we found them but nothing all we found was a wooden door inside a tree and we wanted to move further than the tree and we couldn’t it’s like there was this transparent wall that didn’t let us walk further than the tree.
Today’s date is January 11th we told everyone about the door and nobody believed us I had my phone with me but it didn’t have any signal so we used it to take pictures and videos and play games while we could have battery but we took this portable charger that doesn’t need to be connected to the wall on a long cord that only has a limit of 3 feet and you can’t use it while charging so we brought this one. My charger that I brought is a white one it looks sort of like a computer except it is limited to be able to charge only six times so we had to take careful of not to use it in a dumb way.
Now it’s January 12th and we’ve survived this far which is good. Again the food keeps appearing and now we have decided to look again. I am holding this diary as we walk and I am also writing while we are walking so if my handwriting is messy that’s why. The door has a golden handle and its dark oak wood used for the door. The door is on the tree next to as we called it the transparent wall that kept us from walking past the tree. We must try to open it Janice and James are trying while Ricky and I check why we can’t go past the tree. We have figured out how to open the door but we are not sure if we should so we just take a picture of it. Someone opened it before we closed it again. There is a man in a suit with a gun pointing at us. I am still writing this because I want you guys to know what is going on right now. We are scared and we don’t want to die. He pulled the trigger.
January 15th Janice and Ricky are back with the SSGOP and told them about me. Where am I? I don’t know the tall man shot me with something and now I am in a white room with cameras around me. Don’t ask how I am writing this because the person in charge hates it when we do human stuff. There is a man in a suit telling me that he will kill me if I keep writing.
“You will be doing a series of tests according to humanity. You must save people. If they die, that person and you die in real life as well, so you must save them unless you want to die. There is a trick test you must figure out yourself”
I don’t know what he was talking about but I agreed to it. It’s January 27th and I’ve done many tests amazingly I passed and it’s amazing because I am not that good at jumping off things and saving people. They are taking me to the room where they shoot me and I basically have hallucinations but that are real. I woke up. There is a man on a bridge about to fall. I must save him. I jump on the ledge too so I can convince him to get off without jumping. Something really bad was going to happen to me and I know that. He wasn’t the one falling, I was, I was the victim of the bridge and the death watching as a breathed my very last breath. He shot and pushed me. I was the victim I didn’t know that the life I was supposed to save was mine. They told me that there was a trick test they never said which was the trick one, I guess it’s this one. I somehow decided to write this even knowing that I am not alive. The man survived and I didn’t, well at least now I won’t be hungry in the woods with the SSGOP and I want to say just one thing. In the future there will be tests and a trick one, you must save lives but make sure yours isn’t one of them.

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