Trapped | Teen Ink


March 28, 2016
By WolfArturo BRONZE, League City, Texas
WolfArturo BRONZE, League City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who dwell in the past and plan for the future, only lose the present."

He was trapped. He was unable to liberate himself from this curse. You couldn’t expect to go in and come out in one piece without knowing what’s behind that metallic door. He was not something that you can tame. He was locked up in that tan, demolished room for 8 months. No one even remembered what he looked like. You were able to go in, but after a brief moment of traumatizing examination of the confinement cell, you were gone. What you saw were carved up walls, posters of a name only he knew the owner of, and a letter. This letter, found in the center of all the carnage, reads “To the love of my life, I love you and you’re the best thing to happen to me. ~ Love, Randi.” There were more heart touching parts to it, but that’s all everyone could read before their existence was ceased. He was not human nor animal. He was a creature of lethal proportions and a blinded rage of a towering motive to just see blood. He couldn’t be let out. That would have been a devastating fallout for humanity.
During the day, the only light source was through the crack on the stones that blocked the window. Here came another one of the foolish yet determined priests, unaware that as soon as the door was opened, it was followed by the close death awaiting. Soon enough, he was awaken and attacked the Priest with speeds too quick to react to. The screams were then silenced by the snapping of bones and the sound of torn flesh being devoured. He was still not satisfied. He returned to the dark and eerie closet, dragging the remains to the door frame where he listened to entering prey. As he slumbered with a sense of caution, a noise was heard at his door. A noise only he could recognize. The faint, angelic knock followed by a soft, soothing voice.
“It’s me.”
He was stunned. Dumbfounded at the voice.
“I… is it… but you…” He couldn’t make out a sentence or a word to the voice of his beloved. She entered with nothing but a warming heart for him. He walked out of the cave-like abode, admiring her alluring figure.
“You’ve changed. But I still love you for who you are, not what you are.” She softly whispered to him, wise with the tone in her voice.
Unable to speak, he embraced her, and in that instance, the untamable and the screams trapped within the room have been freed. He was now what he used to be. A man; tall, jet black hair that blacked out the night; tan skin that matched his dark, brown eyes; and a smile that melted hearts.
“I… How did I?” He began to stutter out.
She merely just smiled and kissed his thin, colorless lips. He slowly responded with the passing of affection between them two, later freeing him from his carnage. The curse he lived with, now dissipated with the victims’ plea for mercy. He was saved. He’s human. You can now see him, walk with ease and still live. He now lives with the love of his life in that same room now.

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