Help me….please! | Teen Ink

Help me….please!

May 26, 2016
By JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is true and everything is permitted.

Blood, bloody again what’s wrong with me? Why am I covered in blood….again? I really shouldn’t do it, why do I do this? What did I use this time? Who was it? Did I snap, or did I just grow hungry? Did I wear the suit or did I make them look into my eyes? Was it slow or fast?” Looking up towards the clouded stars he began to think, and think and think.    “Their gleam….it’s even duller then the last time, the darkness it’s so…inviting. I can’t decide if I like the stars or not. Consuming the dark with its blinding beauty, or the fact it gives me enough light to do what I love to do so much, and still blind my enemy, or maybe not enemy, sweet, precious pray.”                  He then looked around him to see if he could remember where he was.      “A playground, first time I’ve done it at a playground. Do I really want to keep doing this, do I really like it, or do I just want people to feel my pain?”      He sat down on a bench nearby and looked to see if he could find the victim. His elbows rested on his knees the drying blood still dripping, fresh from the carnage. Finding the trail of blood he followed it to find the two bodies he maliciously mutilated.       “Oh I got a little more creative this time; I used both the knife and the bat. Interesting, the blood is still bubbling in one of their stomachs from the air still escaping the other ones lungs, who would’ve thought the stomach would be such a good bowl to drown someone in.”    Picking up the knife and dragging the bat behind him, slumped over and dazed he began to think to himself.              “Time to go find someone else to play with. Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the dead, 1, 2, 3 strikes and you’re out of the ol’ ball game.”

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