3:17 A.M. | Teen Ink

3:17 A.M.

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

I wake up suddenly with a shortness of breath, the room is extremely cold where I can feel the stinging of frostbite on my fingertips. I turn over to look at my alarm clock, it’s 3:17 am, I scan the room but don’t see anything. I rise from my bed and walk towards my light switch, mid way to the lightswitch I am tackled from the side and pinned against the wall. I cannot scream for help although I want to, I can feel my attackers icy cold breath on my forehead. This thing was freakishly tall, as I’m 6 feet tall and I am being towered over, I don’t notice anything about it except the blood red eyes staring down at me. In a voice lower than one I’d ever heard the thing said “You’ll never see your family again, Austin.” Fueled by the adrenaline of fear I drove a fist into the thing, it bellowed in pain shaking my bedroom almost like an earthquake. I dash for the light switch and hastily flip it on. Whatever this was, it was unlike anything I’d ever seen. The attacker was around 7 and a half feet tall wearing a black cloak, it’s skin was paler than snow. The light clearly blinded the thing as it started flailing it’s arms attempting to hit me. I decide that if I don’t take it out now I may not have the chance to defend myself again. I grab my knife that I placed on my nightstand and slashed at the thing, catching it’s arm. It let out a squeal of pain I can only compare to a wild boar, the being lashed out with its other arm and struck me with tremendous force, forcing me to spiral back and lose all the breath in my lungs. The being now had regained its sight and started towards me, I attempted to attack it with my knife once again but it caught my hand and pried the knife away from my hand despite my best efforts. I was lifted by one of this monster's arms, I began to run out of breath and the sense of panic set in on me. I drove a foot into the being’s chest with all of my strength causing it to drop me and back away. I slam to the ground with a loud thud, I immediately get up and sprint out of my room with menacing figure closely following me. I dash madly towards the door handle to let me out of the house, I was suddenly tripped and sent spiraling to the ground face first. I was lifted face to face with this being and the blood red eyes seemed to pierce into my soul. I was flung back into the wall behind me and upon contact with the wall my vision blurred and I began to pass out. As I lose consciousness I hear the being that has been chasing me harshly whisper “Say goodbye”.

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