Love's on the Way | Teen Ink

Love's on the Way

January 25, 2017
By Sillman25 BRONZE, Clarkson, Michigan
Sillman25 BRONZE, Clarkson, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She couldn't feel her face the next morning, all covered with bruises and scrapes. She tried covering it all up with make up but it was useless. She wasn't in the mood to go to school but anywhere was better than being stuck at home with her dad. Her mom passed away when she was 5 years old, dad told her that it was a car crash but she  hardly remembers anything, she misses her, she always remembers how she would sing her to sleep every night with her sweet voice that even made your ears fall asleep, or when she laughed at her funny faces while they were eating, everything she did with her was a magical moment. Her dad on the other hand is the complete opposite, she  doesn't recall him being like this when she was little, but lately he is full of anger and hate, it's like he doesn't know how to be loving anymore, if she doesn't do things as he says she suffers the consequences.

She finally got down stairs after getting dressed and ready for school when she saw her dad sitting on a chair with a big cup of coffee in front of him, he looked like he had been hit by a truck, he looked pale and nauseous, she remembered he got a lot to drink last night. After that he got really angry at her, he started screaming because she didn't make his favorite dinner like he told her to and then everything went black.
“Are you going to school or are you going to beam at me all day?”. He said in a detestable tone, she ignored him and left with the door shutting behind her without saying a word.

The day reflected her mood, the sky full of dusty gray clouds making the rain dance with the wind and landing softly on her face and on her curly messy hair. The clouds would roar every time she thought of her dad.
“What happened to you!?” her friend Anna asked after seeing her face, she had a startled look on her face that Sophia had never seen before. “I’m okay, don’t worry about it.” she didn't even believe herself but Anna bought it anyway. As she opened her  locker she heard a familiar laugh. She turned around and there he was, leaning against his locker with his friends surrounding him and making funny jokes about the people who overpassed them. But in a split second she realized he was staring at her and smiled, she felt her heart drop and her face burning, she tried to return the smile but she couldn’t, she made an awful smile, that she didn't even know she could do make. He swallowed his laugh when he saw her face. She turned around to get her books out of her locker drowning in embarrassment and she heard footsteps walking towards her, she just knew it was him.
“Hey Sophie” he said with his perfect smile. She just stared at him until her mouth decided to talk. “Hey Alex”. “I’ll see you later”. He said while walking away.

Sophie has been in love with Alex ever since she remembers. She met him in kindergarten and they would always have play dates in her house, their mothers were best friends. They would play for hours. End up falling asleep, their mothers would come pick them up from the floor to their beds, but now they are not that close anymore. She misses spending time with him, misses talking to him.

Finally school concluded and so Sophie headed home, feeling anxious about what will happen with her dad when she got home.
She placed the key in the handle to open the front door of her house and slowly pushed it forward, she didn't want to make any noise, she didn't want her dad to hear that she was home. Sophie stepped into the house and saw broken glass on the floor and knifes dripping with a kind of thick red fluid, she got closer to try to clean all the mess, then she saw that the thick fluid had an awful smell, then she realized; it was blood. Sophie shrieked by the site of it. “Maybe he just hurt himself, he couldn't do something like this” she thought, trying to calm herself down. Then she heard her dad coming.

He looked nervous when he saw her staring at the horrific scene. He stared at her, thinking of an excuse he could use to make her believe it was nothing. He always does that face when she asks him about her mom. “Oh honey, I’m sorry you had to see this, I cut myself earlier but everything is alright”. He said trying very hard to be nice. But she didn't want to think about what he had done so she just nodded. “I’ll clean up” he said and she started walking up the stairs shaking.
“What could he have done?” she saw that the door of his room was slightly open. He never leaves it like that, he doesn't like her snooping around his stuff. She quietly stepped in and saw that he had countless pictures of women, none of them seemed to ring a bell, except  for one. At the end of the pile of pictures there was a picture of her mother and it had a big cross on her face, all of them had it, except one again. It was a picture of her. She started panting like crazy. “He-e kille-ed my mo-other, and no-ow he is goi-ing to kill me-e”.
She got out of there as fast as she could and locked herself in her room, she started listing her head with crazy ideas. “I have to get out of here, but how?” she thought, but her tiredness made her stop thinking and fall asleep.

“I love you Sophie” those lovely words came out of Alex’s beautiful mouth. She couldn't believe it. “I can’t live without you, you are my everything” he said, followed by a perfect kiss that made her feel that she was dancing with angels. BAM! Something woke her up, she heard an awful scream, a woman’s scream, it was familiar. “It can’t be her”. She thought panicking.

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