Rebirthing | Teen Ink


January 25, 2017
By Anonymous

“Why do I feel like this?”, a young lady by the name of Vanessa asked.
Vanessa, your typical rich troublemaker in high school.  The type that who refuses to listen to her parents and anyone who says she is trashy, but knows she is.  The kind that is always getting into trouble with her friends.  She has been threatened multiple times by her parents to get her act together or to get out of their house.  She used to be a little angel to her parents, but then she began high school where she saw herself as an independent person and believed that she should be allowed to do whatever she wants whenever she wants.  She feels she is mature enough as a teen to make her own “Smart” decisions.  No one’s above her in her mind. No one can control how she acts.  She lives by the motto that you should, “Regret Nothing”.  Always being optimistic and silly was what made this girl popular in her high school.  She encountered a major accident in her second year of high school in the fall.
Halloween parties were common for these students to attend to.  The parties were filled with all types of students, except for the non-social nerds.  All was fine at the party. But there was a lot of partying and drama.  Vanessa, specifically, was in getting into trouble with a lot of people.  But she didn’t realize the possible consequences until a few weeks later.
After a couple of weeks later, she realized that she had started to become nauseated and got sick often in the middle of the night and in the morning.  Being the dumbo that she is, she thought this was normal stage during your adolescent years.  Vanessa decided that this be a rare occasion that she would ask her mother for information.  She named her symptoms to her mother in hope for a positive response, however, she got something else.
“YOU’RE PREGNANT!?!?” her mother responded angrily.
“What? That’s not possible” she denied quickly, “I don’t even know how I would have gotten pregnant. I don’t remember anything that kind of action happening at the party, mainly because I was too drunk to remember anythi . . .”
She then realized that she had made a mistake at a party.  After hours of thinking and denying the fact that she was pregnant, she finally came to the grips that her being pregnant was a reality.
Vanessa and her mother made a doctor’s appointment to see if it was actually pregnancy.  Vanessa had to wait a couple of days before her appointment because her doctor was pretty loaded with other patients.  In the meantime, she had to think of a way to tell her father she was pregnant if it was actually true.  Once time for her appointment, she was nervous and stressed out about the situation.  She described the symptoms that she had been experiencing such as increased appetite, nauseousness, and tiredness throughout the day for the past few weeks or so.  She took a few tests until she faced her worst nightmare, all the tests came back positive with no clue as to who the father is.  Also, she also had to tell her father who has threatened her many times before about how he would kick her out if she got into any trouble involving guys.  When she told him, he was furious, but, didn’t kick her out because he knew she needed help.
However, she was still unclear of who the father could have been.  She was stumped on this very important question.  Days went on as she went on wondered the million dollar question.  No easy way of finding this one out without looking too forward to your peer.  But she didn’t care.  She posted a “Help” sign on the school’s wall saying that there will be a prize for anyone who helps her with her needs.  A lot of her classmates just ignored the flyers and carried on with their day.
Even when she asked for her friends’ help, they just laugh because she was just her silly old self just joking around.  So, she took it to social media.  Nobody, but Vanessa would be willing to ask a number of the students in her grade to tell her what she might have done at the halloween party.  No one had an answer.  They would just tell her that she wasn’t being as reckless as she usually was at parties.  At this point, she didn’t know what to do.  It seemed like no one was going to come forward and claim their prize.
Since no one would give her an answer, she went and saw a psychic to see who the father was.  However, when the psychic looked into her crystal small, it was almost as if she saw an old friend or a ghost.  The psychic said “I don’t see a father, mother, and child, but I do see you as a mother with a child that I feel I recognize”.
While she recognized the child, Vanessa noted that she had feelings of deja vu.  The psychic’s personality, interests, and choice of vehicle just seemed way to familiar.  At this point, Vanessa decided to leave because she was creeped out.  Vanessa had the chills and goosebumps by the time she got out of VW van that the psychic was running her operation out of.
8 Months Later…
Vanessa gave birth to a little girl, she couldn’t believe her eyes, but it looked like her long lost cousin who committed suicide a couple years before.  But it all made sense, there was no father, just magic from the dead trying to start life over again with new opportunities.
Vanessa returned to the psychic with the newborn, only to have her recognize it right away, “Yes! That’s Sprinkles McGee.  She has been rebirthed”.
Sprinkles had regained her love for music from the 1960’s and the 1970’s.  And happier than ever that she had found out a way to rebirth herself by using one of her relative’s bodies, but the rebirthing was kept a secret from the rest of the family.

The author's comments:

My piece makes it seem like a teen girl messed up, but she really didn't.

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