The Location | Teen Ink

The Location

June 13, 2018
By Anonymous

Bumpy the clown was thrilled to have his first gig in years: it was a ten year old’s birthday party. The man who called him said the the party was in the most famous cave on  the coast. Why it was in a creepy cave, he wasn’t sure. “But hey,a gigs a gig.” he thought. But what he didn’t know was that a ghost has been there for generations killing the families and tourists who stopped to either party or make camp inside the cave. He got the idea to check the location that night before he started to get the props for the party. He got into his very bright and colorful van and sped off to the direction to the beach. On the beach he saw weird and creepy signs that said: DANGER! Turn back, CAUTION!, etc.. But he trudged on towards the cave.

Bumpy entered the opening of the cave, and a chill like ice cube sliding down your back, climbed down his spine. He pulled out a deck of cards out of  his pocket and shuffled them nervously as he walked a few more feet. He saw something running toward him really fast. He flinched as the figure jumped at him. As he opened his eyes, the creature was right in front of him. It looked like Bumpy’s great-great grandfather Pennywise the dancing clown.

Bumpy blinked hard twice and rubbed his eyes and looked again at the figure. The other clown smiled showing shark-like teeth. “Hiya Bumpy, been awhile huh?” the figure said. Bumpy shook his head in disbelief. “How are you here,”  he asked. “ I thought you were dead.” “ I am, I’m the one whos caused all the missing people.” Pennywise said with a grin. “What missing people,” bumpy asked. “There haven’t been any missing people here, have there?” “Yes they’re in the farthest part of the cave.” pennywise explained. “The question is whos next and when do they get here?” “A family is celebrating their ten year old son’s birthday on friday.” Bumpy replied. Then he covered his mouth in surprise. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.” Pennywise did a wicked grin showing his shark-like teeth again, “No? But i’m glad you did. I can’t wait that long, so say ‘bye-bye’Bumpy.”

Pennywise bared his fanged teeth and Bumpy fainted. He stepped over to the unconscious Bumpy and jumped into his body. Bumpy’s body suddenly jumped to his feet. Both voices of Bumpy and Pennywise doubled over each other both yelling in pain. Bumpy’s ghost shot out of the body. Pennywise stretched out the arms and legs of his new and functional body. Then he thanked Bumpy for the body and ran off towards the van with Bumpy running desperately after him. Yelling and pleading him not to leave.

Pennywise laughed as he ran to the brightly colored van. As he opened the door he saw many posters and fliers that had the “FOR HIRE” sign at the top and little tabs with phone numbers that you tear off at the bottom. He tore one of the fliers off of the wall inside the van and read it. He roared with anger. He turned toward Bumpy with a look of absolute rage on his face. He screamed at Bumpy, “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?” He threw the paper at Bumpy and bared his teeth again as Bumpy coward in fear. “YOU DISGRACE OUR FAMILY NAME?!” “What’s that killing people?” Bumpy retorted trying to be brave against his grandfather's rage. “Yes that exactly what it is.”

A random tourist, who was drunk, asked Pennywise if he was going the right way to the arcade, Bumpy tried to tell him to run away but Pennywise got to him before he could listen to Bumpy. The tourists’ scream faded as Pennywise grabbed his arm and bit into his throat. The sun was coming up. People started to show up. Pennywise had disposed of all the people before any of them could realize anything was wrong.

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