Aliens. Are They Real or Fake? | Teen Ink

Aliens. Are They Real or Fake?

April 7, 2021
By carly_rosenstrauch BRONZE, Austin, Texas
carly_rosenstrauch BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first search for extraterrestrial civilization began in the late 1959s and the early 1960s. In the late 20th century we began to search the sky by listening for electromagnetic emissions in hopes of being able to find and communicate with another possible civilization. Many people have always wondered if we are alone in this universe or if there is another intelligent life somewhere else, and I believe there is. Although some people believe that the creations and designs of ancient artifacts found by archaeologists are the works of humans, their precise work shows the use of advanced technology that only extraterrestrial civilizations could have used.

Hieroglyphs that are over 3,000 years old were found in a temple in Abydos, Egypt. These hieroglyphs look like planes, helicopters, and other yet to be invented flying objects. Either the artist had seen these objects or someone with advanced technology helped him. However, Egyptians didn’t have advanced technology during those times which can only mean that it was the works of extraterrestrials.

From 1513-1733 a Cathedral was built in Salamanca, Spain. Carved into this Cathedral is “a strangely modern figure of what looks like a helmet-wearing astronaut” (Pourciaux). The design work on the sculpture shows an accurate depiction of what someone wearing a spacesuit would look like; including the tubes and the boots. At the Hoysaleswara Temple in India you can see many carvings made out of stone that were built in the 1100s. Some of these carvings once again look to be in the shapes of astronauts. Space travel did not exist during these times. So why did these artists carve these accurate depictions of astronauts in stone?

Machu Picchu was built in the 1400s. It is said that some ancient sites were either built by extraterrestrials or that the aliens provided the knowledge and technology for the people to build them. It is also said that the most fascinating thing to see at the Incan walls in Machu Picchu are the “massive stones” because they “fit together so precisely” you wouldn’t be able to “fit a dollar bill between them” (Turner). Not only is the stone work fascinating, but if you “look at pictures” from when someone tried to expand the garden at Machu Picchu while mimicking their masonry style you will be able to compare the modern day construction work to the “ones from a long time ago” and what you’ll see is the newer “wall is less perfect than the ancient wall” (Turner). By having the information about Machu Picchu’s stones and masonry, we can come to the conclusion that aliens are the only logical explanation since the ancient Inca’s civilization was limited to technology and wouldn’t possibly have been able to make these.

At the Nazca Desert in Peru there are hundreds of formations on the ground. These “ancient formations on the ground become shapes only when seen from the air” (Turner). Some are also straight lines that look like they were used as a runway. These formations make archaeologists come to the conclusion that aliens are the ones responsible for these figures. “After all, how could ancient man craft lines with this level of symmetry and precision without the ability to fly” (Tobin)?

Finally, the Egyptian Pyramids. The positioning of the Pyramids of Giza line up exactly with the Orion constellation. The pyramid's position involves “a level of precision unusual for human artisans” and “ the Great Pyramid lines up almost exactly with the magnetic North Pole” (Tobin). Not only do the pyramids line up with the stars and the north pole, but “on the evening of the summer solstice”, the sun sets directly between the pyramids “when viewed from the Sphinx” (Tobin). This then causes questions to speculate because in order for the Egyptians to have been able to build the pyramids with this amount of precision they would need to have compasses, and knowledge of the length of the calendar year. However, ancient Egyptians did not have compasses and the length of a calendar year hadn’t been made yet. These were all reasons to believe that aliens were the ones responsible for the precision and accuracy of the Egyptian Pyramids. This however, to Redpath and others, still wasn’t enough to prove that aliens built the pyramids. Redpath believes that “the ancient Pharaohs” had a large number of  “skilled workers” who were very “dedicated to building” these pyramids, and thus argues that aliens were not responsible for the building of the pyramids (Redpath).

These are all reasons why I believe archaeologists should spend more time searching for extraterrestrial civilization. Without the knowledge and understanding from an archaeologist on ancient information from beyond civilizations time we may never get the opportunity to find extraterrestrial civilization, and without their help and research we would have never been able to depict these ancient artifacts and come to the conclusion that aliens do exist. So I believe that archaeologists would be a great asset to the search of finding extraterrestrial civilization.

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