Facismo Brasileiro | Teen Ink

Facismo Brasileiro

June 15, 2021
By GiovannaCosta BRONZE, Everett, Washington
GiovannaCosta BRONZE, Everett, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Quando uma mulher de luta morre, todas nos morremos um pouco com ela" -Marielle Franco

We pay to be born, we pay to live, we pay to lose, and we pay to win.

We pay to dream; we pay to die, and our kids pay to bury us.

We have a desire, but we have nowhere to work, we have justice, but only for those who can afford it.

We have the courage, but we don't have the strength to fight, so we leave home not knowing if we're going to be back.

People cry because they have nowhere to live or food to eat, kids are shot for no reason other than skin color.

28% of the population does not have access to education, 30% of our country does not have access to the internet and the president is worried about the football team.



Where are the vaccines that were offered to us? Who was Marielle Franco’s killer? Where is the money that should be going to those hospitals and schools? Where is the education my sisters and future kids deserve?

 "If some innocent dies, that's fine", that's something that guy said. How are you in power when your morality to end crime is killing everyone?

 A leader who uses the name of God but acts against everything that He once taught.

Here I am, my blood boils in chaos, because of the injustice my people suffer, those kids and elderly women dying without the right of Bolsa Familia.

“Covid is going to kill? And? I am not a gravedigger.” That is the guy they elected for president.

He hates to see the bricklayer's son graduate because his father paid for 10 years of private school, and he is still nothing; still talks a lot.

You can have money, but if you don't have culture, it will be just another rich man messing up our history.

He killed 30,000 and some of them are mine, they are prophesying votes like Pharisees.

A man who says that LGBTQ + is not human and doesn't deserve to have rights, that says that being gay is something you teach.

 My grandmother for sure was never gay but taught my father how to treat a woman.

Welcome to Brazil, a country where gasoline is more expensive than Luis Vuitton bags, where the basics of a meal, rice, meat, salad, cost more than minimum wage.

I fight for the past, for my ancestors, I have an aversion to homophobia, fascism, and messiahs.

I'm young but not dumb. I think it's ridiculous for a president who doesn't build morals and doesn't even try to make the country better for his own people to be in power.

Someone who is still stuck in the 18th century when we're in 2021.

 It's time to move on, make a revolution, and that depends on us, the new generation.

Our values, our education, and our stories will build our way to a better country with equality for everyone. Starting at the bottom to go to the top is a new era.

 Fighting those who should be helping us succeed. The solution for this depends on us.

Our voice is the greatest weapon of our generation, and our truth is our ally. We need each other to succeed.

I demand justice and nothing else.

The author's comments:

My name is Giovanna, I am from Brazil but I currently live in Washington state, I see how the poor leadership in my country has been affecting everyone and that made me think about it how it has to be a harsh thing to my people. So this little spoken poem is talking about the government and crises in Brazil

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