The Importance Of Adding More Field Trips To Schools! | Teen Ink

The Importance Of Adding More Field Trips To Schools!

May 31, 2022
By AMC2 BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
AMC2 BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Field trips all over the world are ending! This statement may seem crazy, yet, each year, every expedition feels like it could be your last. For some unusual reason, several teachers don’t like field trips. Perhaps, it’s because educators have to take care of numerous amount of children. For certain students, field trips are the only time people explore their community or different states. Being adventurous and traveling the world provides children with a unique vision of a topic by giving children touch, feel, and listen regarding the lesson. Adding more field trips to schools is significant because students will develop a solid knowledge about different perspectives of art and culture, have powerful thinking skills about life, and display more increased interest in their academic subjects.

First and foremost, reflect on the students who fail projects or multiple subjects in school. Consider, for a moment, that it is not the students, fault they are failing. It may be possible that it is the professor´s way of teaching. Most students are not invested in school subjects because a handful is visual learners more than auditory learners. There is nothing for children to do when stuck in a classroom all day, only listen to the teachers. Students want to visualize and feel the lessons at their fingertips when a teacher is teaching! Providing students with more field trips will give individuals a better chance at getting higher test scores and a greater interest in lessons/subjects. According to Three Ways Field Trips Benefit Students states, *"Regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, youth who take educational trips have better grades (59%), higher graduation rates from high school (95%), and college (63%), income (12% higher annually)". The text proved above by Margaux Spiegel should be a strong enough reason to have more progressive field trips! If you implement more educational field trips, students will spend more time visualizing and liking school, which will become a win-win situation. Not only will students become more involved in their studies. But also be in a safe environment with friends and classmates.

Secondly, students will have real-life experiences. Many students will need real-world experience when making social and emotional connections with their classmates as teenagers become adolescents. When going to a museum, aquarium, zoo, or hospital offers students a chance to escape from the smelly classrooms and apply all their knowledge to form connections between classroom learning and business learning that children will need when they become an adult. These connections give students independence since some children go without their parents or guardian. As stated by April Sanders in Advantages & Disadvantages of Field Trips *"One of the biggest advantages of field trips is that they allow students to have a real-world experience. This experience should clearly illustrate and enhance the information taught by the curriculum". In consideration of children getting a greater understanding of the world, it would also be beneficial for parents, not just supervisors.

Nevertheless, several people may believe field trips are dangerous, unbeneficial, or lots of money spent on a school activity. True, there are some disadvantages involved with field trips such, as tons of money spent. But that’s no different from clubs like ski club. As a case in point, if students are doing a project in, social studies classmates can go to a museum to research the art and culture. However, you can't do any academic projects regarding an after-school club. In the opinion of Melissa Kelly of Field Trips: Pros and Cons, she notes, *"For example, a trip to an art museum (art/culture) may couple with a timeline for social studies (political systems in place when art was created), but, in after-school clubs, advisers spend a large amount of money on non-academic activities". Despite that, there is no talk of taking clubs that spend butt loads of money away. Field trips are an academic activity that helps students learn about different things while having a fantastic time with their friends. Compared to other activities, field trips don’t seem too bad. 

In closing, supplementing more field trips to schools is important because students will enjoy their school subjects, have real-life experiences, and become more enthusiastic about art/culture. Field trips benefit students, parents, and teachers in multiple ways such, as giving children opportunities to learn and spend time with friends and family. Field trips are a good way for quiet students to come alive and break out of their shells. Teachers should definitely invest more money in field trips!

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