The Recipe of Happiness | Teen Ink

The Recipe of Happiness

January 17, 2023
By Anonymous

A Recipe for Happiness


2 cups of family

2 cups of friends

1 tablespoon of laughter

1 tablespoon of memories

1 teaspoon of generosity

1 teaspoon of mindfulness

3 tablespoon of growth

¼ teaspoon gratitude

A dash of passion

Optional: one tablespoon of pets

Every single baker needs a solid happiness recipe in their recipe collection and today is just that. It is delightful, fulfilling, and thrilling. Not to be confused with my perfection recipe, this recipe has a beautiful smoothness and satisfying filling. The product’s flavorful, one-of-a-kind taste may leave some with a sweet after taste that sticks in your mouth. This is one of my favorite recipes that I have ever made.

The first step we need to do is to make our base. In order to do this, we need to combine two cups of family and two cups of friends together. After combining, whisk the ingredients together to create a comforting and supportive base for our recipe. Friends and family combine together to create a supportive relationship. You can also add in a tablespoon of pets (optional).

Next, add one tablespoon of laughter and memories into the supportive relationship mix. We add these recipes together because laughter and memories go hand in hand to create happy memories. The happy memories will soak into the base of the supportive relationship to bring joyful times, making our recipe all bubbly and sparkle like diamonds.

After happy memories are added, we can then add in our teaspoon of generosity and gratitude. This step is very important in our recipe. Generosity and gratitude need to be whisked out evenly throughout.

Now, we can add in the rest of our ingredients. We can pour in our three tablespoons of growth, our teaspoon of mindfulness, and add just a dash of passion. Stir and mix all the ingredients together and make sure everything is incorporated evenly. If you followed all the instructions correctly, everything should stick together. After following all the instructions above, we end up with something as good as gold. Serve as often as you like!

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