Oh Shoot! | Teen Ink

Oh Shoot!

December 1, 2023
By anais5diaz BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
anais5diaz BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Over 80% of deaths every year are caused by guns, therefore we should destroy all guns. Demolish them. Growing up I never realized how dangerous they were. As I got older I started to become more exposed to the dreadfully boring news. There were so many deaths, crimes, and injuries. However, they all had one thing in common—guns. Therefore we should get rid of all guns.

If you don’t already agree with me, you will soon. Don’t worry. Do you want to be living in the Old Wild West? Because you are. At this rate anyone can just pull a gun on you anywhere. They shouldn’t, but there's also a lot of other things we shouldn’t be doing. Imagine you’re at Target and you're begging your mom to buy the ultra sparkly pink unicorn toy (I know you all want one), and this guy pulls out a gun! Now, the worst thing you could say is “Oh Shoot!”. Get it? You see what I did there? I know, I’m so clever. The point is, that’s scary but possible.

If we got rid of guns, the suicide rate would go down about 50%. I know there are plenty of other ways to try and commit suicide, but hear me out. Suicide with a gun is an instant death nine out of ten times. Ideally getting rid of a tangible and quick way to commit can ideally higher the rate of survival from suicide. Suicide rate won’t go down, but the surviving rate will go up. 

Getting rid of guns will definitely get rid of guns in households. Guns and kids are a HORRIBLE match. It never ends well. Every day 8 kids are shot due to family fire. Most of the time it’s because a kid finds the gun and ends up messing around with it. Trust me little Tommy, that rifle is no nerf gun. So let's do our kids a favor and take temptation away by just getting rid of the guns. May I suggest turning the guns into a beautiful lamp stand, since you won’t be needing guns anymore. Or maybe a coat rack? Both would be beautiful additions to any home decor.

Now you are probably wondering about our food source. As humans we love our meat. Trust me I get it. Just because we can’t use guns doesn’t mean we can’t eat meat. We will have to kill old school style. This also goes for the average hunter. Some of you like to brutally kill animals for enjoyment. Kill. For. Enjoyment. Absolutely scary. For one, if that’s your favorite hobby I highly suggest finding a new one. Try baking or cooking. Because it’s really creepy that you like to casually kill. Not a friend quality I’m looking for. However, if you can’t drop it then just use knives. Then you’ll absolutely get a great bloody, kill experience—if that's what you’re into. This could also help with distinction with certain species because it’s not easy to kill them.

Everyday about 47 people are murdered with a gun. With guns out of the picture we can lower this number, a lot. Obviously, there are many other ways to kill someone. However, using a gun is easier because it is pretty instant, you don’t have to be as close, and overall you don’t have to work as hard as if you were stabbing someone to death. Very brutal. I truly believe it will lower the statistics. With guns not as easily accessible I think us crazy people won’t be tempted. 

If you don’t agree with me then you’re insane. Guns are scary. They can end multiple lives in seconds. You could argue that we all get gun lessons, so those accidental kills won’t happen. However, that’s a lot of money - a lot, and time - a lot. Therefore it is easier to get rid of them. I also believe it will be easier to say no to all rather than saying this small number of people can use them. It’s better if the rules are black and white. No room for the gray area.

Every year guns take over 48,000 of us. That’s almost as much as the ASU tempe campus population. That’s a lot of people. A lot of friends, parents, siblings, you name it. Let’s end this now. End the violence. End the school shootings. End the accidental shootings. There are many other ways to protect ourselves.

The author's comments:

This is a very sensitive topics, however I wanted to point out this was a HUMOR essay assignment, a lot of this is sarcasm. I hope you enjoy:)

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on Dec. 8 2023 at 10:18 am
Shorthairdontcare SILVER, Houston Area, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 76 comments
I agree