Lonliness | Teen Ink


May 22, 2011
By MissA7Xlover BRONZE, Swansea, Other
MissA7Xlover BRONZE, Swansea, Other
3 articles 13 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
'You only get one life do what you want!'

As I sit alone, in my cold and empty room I realise how much I miss everyone. Nothing or no one can imagine what I am going through. My music plays its soft dulcet tones in the background and I reflect on my past deeds.
Where did everything go to? Where did everyone go? Questions I keep repeating to myself. Help doesn’t come cheap these days, as a matter of fact nothing does. When you realise you have done something to upset someone apologise and get back to normal.... DO NOT do what i did ignore it and let the rumours carry on, people talk, texts go through phones, paper is passed around and you feel yourself isolated, confined to one place.
When you walk down the corridor in school every single eye is on you and not for the good reasons either. People start to mutter under their breaths “S***” or “Slag”. Your heart sinks every time someone says things. You can’t help but feel as if you want to cry 24/7.

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