The NBA Lockout | Teen Ink

The NBA Lockout

November 11, 2011
By ShadySlim BRONZE, Bryan, Ohio
ShadySlim BRONZE, Bryan, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The NBA lockout that is going on right now is causing controversy in the world of sports. Many people believe that the owners of the league are very much “money hungry,” which means they can’t decide on a new deal to get the NBA back into play. It’s as if the owners are so focused on the money, that they forgot about one important aspect: the fans! It would be nice to see “LeBron’s juke step,” “Rose’s crossover,” plus Blake Griffin’s “one-handed tomahawk slam.” It would also be nice to see the sights and hear the sounds of the NBA playoffs. Those moments need to happen again. Those are the moments that every NBA fan loves to be apart of.
It really bothers me that the players are not willing to negotiate as well. They act as if they’re not getting paid enough, even though they’re getting millions of dollars a year to play a sport. LeBron is one of the highest paid players in NBA history, and even he isn’t satisfied. The NBA used to have a time where the players were fired up, like a newly grown flame that sprouted from a fire. Now, all they think about is the money. The players and the organization are looking with a set of blind eyes.
It’s hard to believe that it’s all the owners’ faults, not the players. Maybe David Stern should explain to everyone the situation. As a fan, it’s very frustrating. Though it’s frustrating, this game is too special to turn my back on it just because of a lockout. We may have to wait an entire year before we get to see NBA basketball, but the fans will wait, patiently.
Fans are like family. They care about the game, plus its players. Fans are the ones who spend their hard earned money to come see them play. They don’t want to give up on their team. We, the fans, sincerely hope the owners and the players reach a deal soon so that we can get back to seeing some good NBA basketball.

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