A Modest Proposal | Teen Ink

A Modest Proposal

May 1, 2013
By MattCat BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
MattCat BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

...For taking control of United States immigration policy and deterring illegal aliens through improvement of domestic infrastructure

In today’s day and age it’s a terrible state of events that we find illegal immigration to be so prevalent in our great nation. There have been a plethora of suggested plans for curbing unwanted immigration to the States, but my intentions take a route of yet proposed compromise.

It is with pride that I propose we build a wall. Not just any wall though, a large, unconquerable wall of concrete and outposts that will stop any form of immigration. The wall will not just cover our land borders, but will stretch across the entire perimeter of the United States; one giant wall to stop an invaders or foreign aliens from crossing.

Illegal immigration has been a problem for the entirety of our history, but only in the past few decades has it escalated into a full blown epidemic. Illegal and temporary immigrants have come to be a parasitic drain on our nation through the transportation of money and resources out to foreign states. It’s an honorable deed to attempt to support your family by taking from another nation, but it’s against the law and cannot be tolerated. Illegal immigrations have been known to take American jobs, which hurts the working man and the government since most illegal immigrants can’t pay taxes without being caught. They can’t purchase insurance either, which can be devastating to a citizen if they are ever in a car crash with an illegal immigrant. Many illegal aliens also use up our government provided welfare. They’re tapping into American tax dollars to sustain themselves, and are then having children on our soil so we can no longer displace them as they have birthed an American citizen.

Now essentially what I’m imagining is a wall of immense proportions. As mentioned before it will encompass the entirety of our borders so as to stop any unauthorized entrance to the nation whether by land or sea. We would have outposts stationed every few miles – similar to the Great Wall of China.

Utilizing this wall to its full potential I’d also recommend combining it with a road and utilities system. It would be a super highway connecting the entire United States. Adding on to that would be power cables, water pipes, and oil pipes to transport important resources and power around the nation.

Building and maintaining this behemoth of a wall will require people. It’s a perfect way to create more jobs and jumpstart our economy. By not hiring immigrant labor would be a first step for zero tolerance towards illegal immigrants. The project would require workers and construction companies from all across the nation. It would be a huge boon for nationalism and our slow economy.

Opponents and friends alike may have criticisms of my proposal along the lines of allocating government funds for the project or maybe how the wall will curb illegal immigrants digging underground. I appreciate these criticisms and have revised as necessary. Initial funding could be private, but the returns of this wall will be tenfold the investment. To stop digging I would also suggest a moat be built.

Now I have digressed for far too long. I’m confident my proposal will solve many issues, most centrally the one of illegal immigration. I believe the advantages have been made clear.

First, the wall will stop any attempts at illegal immigration to the United States by land or sea. Since it covers the entire nation there is no way in except by air or through various checkpoints.

Second, the wall will stand as a symbol of American might and ingenuity. It could potentially be a tourist attraction as well.

Third, the construction will definitely be a huge undertaking and would spur on our economy.

Fourth, adding to the construction would be a highway, which improves travel throughout the nation.

Fifth, adding utility and supply lines to the wall would also be an effective use.

I call upon anyone who has criticisms of my idea. I would also be glad to hear your own ideas for fixing immigration policy. So far our elected officials have not taken any practical or effective measures toward fixing the issue, and I encourage new ideas.

Alas, with as much sincerity as one can muster, I confess that my proposal will not have any real beneficial results for myself. I do not work for or own a contracted construction business and I’m not one for travel. I have all I need and simply want to see our nation benefit from curbing illegal immigration.

The author's comments:
A satirical piece based on the great "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift.

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