Fur Farms | Teen Ink

Fur Farms

May 24, 2013
By vinodan BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
vinodan BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Should animals really be slaughtered just so people can walk around in their fancy fur clothing during the winter? Killing animals for their fur is a terrible way for people to improve the fashion industry. About 40 million animals are killed brutally each year in fur farms. Close to 85% of the fur industry’s skins come from fur farms around the globe. Animals like foxes, minks, rabbits, coyotes and even bears are killed for their fur. People don’t realize how much of a serious situation this is because eventually all the animals that are used to obtain fur could eventually become extinct.
Animals should not be killed for their fur because there is so many other cloth materials that can help keep our bodies warm and help us look good fashion, wise. The animals are not killed kindly and quickly, but instead they are skinned alive or harshly electrocuted. Other industries such as the food industry use humane procedures to kill their animals. And many of the animals in the fur farms die for nothing because their fur ends up going bad due to the unsanitary conditions they live in.
PETA, an organization trying to help animals around the world, says people should stop wearing fur clothing to try and stop the fur industry of killing animals. They say animals should not be used for anything, including especially something like this. In China and other countries that are a part of the fur trading industry have no law saying it is illegal to kill animals for their fur, it is very hard for people in the U.S. to take action. PETA says all the people can do to try and stop fur trading is to not wear fur clothing at all, but this could take a long time to bring the fur trade to an end. If it were to come to an end all over the world, multiple governments around the world would probably suffer a small loss of money since people pay good money for fur clothing. And many of the fur industry workers would not have a job which could be another problem that could be the result of the fur trade industry ending. China would be the country that suffers the most from the ending of the fur trade industry since they are the largest fur distributing country in the world.
Even if the world tried to end fur trading, it would take a long time and a lot of money to completely put a stop to it. People all over the world would need to donate money, and a large amount of money would be needed to help heal the animals after going through their torment in the fur farms.

The author's comments:
This is an argument essay on why fur farms should be closed.

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