MY Point of View | Teen Ink

MY Point of View

June 23, 2014
By Fatima Cuenco BRONZE, Valencia, California
Fatima Cuenco BRONZE, Valencia, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have often wondered what it's like to not exist. 16y8m. That's how long I've lived, but what if I, an owner of 16 years worth of memories, never received those experiences? The burden of thinking this way is that I would also think of other "what-ifs" comme never setting foot on the earth, never knowing my friends, never knowing my family, and never knowing how to know. This dark tunnel of questions longs to find the bright vie of answers at the end of it. Hoping to escape this crazy labyrinth by disregarding it, my sister brings it up; therefore, the existing world, not just my haphazard thinking, brings the idea up of a person's life without his or her existence. I wonder how God made my soul, like did He just decided "hey, Ronald and Isabel need a baby, I should give them an adorable one." What? Where would my soul be if He didn't make my soul?
My eyes would have never seen the beauty of the world. My voice would have never talked to others. My hair would have never smelled like Dove shampoo. I wouldn't be able to feel my own skin; I wouldn't feel the different temperatures, feel any physical pain (or emotional pain caused by the physical one), sense a mother's or father's touch; basically, I would not have life.
I live right now. I am able to move and such. I am able to tell the pale sky my goodbye or tell the bright day my hello. I have the ability to think of: insults, compliments, people, etc. Because I have this ability, I think about what it's like to not possess a body.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece: my abilities.

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