Asian hate | Teen Ink

Asian hate

August 23, 2021
By awesome_writer BRONZE, Lahore, Other
awesome_writer BRONZE, Lahore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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opportunities don't come to you , you make them for yourself, BY yourself....

So in the recent years I have came to notice a very misleading and critical topic regarding hate and offence to a specific race. Now for me any kind of racial hate etc is seriously a major toxic trait. I apologise in advance if this offences you but as a part of the communtiy I personally don't understand how one can hate someone they don't know on the basis of some not-defined and rumored reasons. 

The specific hate or the bulying i am talking about is the "asian hate". Now answer me a thing, you are in your schhol, college etc and suddenly without any sense all the people there starts to bully you like physically asault you over something that isn't even your fault, then how would you feel?

"Asian hate, well thankfully i don't hate any asians". before even thinking about this sentence i would like to remind you that racism is also a hate. thinking that all asians like chinese have small eyes and looks the same is asian hate, thinking that all asians that are indian have dark skin and no culture is also asian hate, thinking asians like pakistani all are uneducated and have big noses with dark skin color is also asian hate, thinking asians like afghani have all the oppressed women and misogynistic men with absolute no education is also asian hate, thinking asians like koreans are all the same and the boy band "BTS" is gay is also considered asian hate. I have so many examples to describe asian hate that if i start writing them all the list might never end. 

From the text above written, if honestly you don't think any of that then congratulations you are a person worth keeping. Just how black lives matter, asian lives also matter. Every single life is priceless. At the end of the day we all are gonna die so why are we so hateful and egoistic? we all have limited time so why can't we spend our time here with peace and love?Just because of asian hate and racism many lost their lives and many lost their sanity. Hate can kill people and can cause severe depression.

We all have access to this amazing platform called internet so instead of just going by the rumors, why don't we use this platform to spread love, peace and awareness. Our preception of postivity can spread love if we youngsters work together. 

A small change can result in a better tomorrow.



Even if you are from different races, hate can be very distructive and disturbing. So before hating someone think about how would you feel if you are helpless and someone abuses your loved ones both physically and mentally due to some ground-less, rumor based hate. Life feels much more enchanted if you spread love and positivity without any gread because what goes around , comes around. so spread love to recieve love. 

The author's comments:

Thank you for reading and please support me.

if this offends you then keep your opinion to yourself and read it again, in this desprate time when everything is a mess due to covid-19 we all need positive responses and support. So instead of spreading hate its better to keep quite. 

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Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Oct. 10 2021 at 1:12 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

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The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

You are an awesome writer!