Work with the bad, not the good | Teen Ink

Work with the bad, not the good

May 24, 2012
By Anonymous

Throughout middle school, the immoral actions of peers and the nearly absolute indifference of any sort of authority had kept me in depression and in the back of the classroom. During the latter, I'd often try to fake-laugh off any of the jokes thrown at me which always hurt like a punch, but the effort was always futile for that very description of it. This futility, however, was only inclusive in every other thing that only led to a continuity in the day-to-day inevitable augmentation of anything thrown at me, be it joke, paper, or punch. Nothing I did could have stopped this amoral way of things around me; all the reasons were entirely out of my control. As a Muslim of Pakistan, I was subject to name-calling that precisely revolved around being a "terrorist". That exact term, actually, is still something I've had to deal with past middle school. It didn't matter whether or not I believed in Islam or if I was even slightly involved with my customs. The only thing those kids (who were seemingly retarded in everything but, apparently, name-calling) wanted to do was make themselves or any of their buddies laugh to get a rewarding feeling, regardless of the consequences others, like myself, had to deal with. These problems were only bolstered as they were practically compelling to the intrinsic compulsory of bitterness in such a relationship. The mentioned distinctions were evidenced by the times they didn't bother to mess with me: if there was nobody else around in any given situation, or they already had their laugh of the day, then, to a stranger, only the air would have the essence of the abomination between us because of the burning contempt inside of us; his unethical, mine not. Other common bullying reasons have been the misfit in clothing and other things pertinent. I'm poor, so I can't buy things like $100 shoes that will end up looking like they were for free, nor can I make a dresser thrive from an abundance of anything ranging from cologne to hair gel. Heck, my dresser's of another family who gave it to us the last minute before throwing it away! These inadequacies were undeniably obvious from my display, and thus were an easy target for any of the foul-minded. These foul-minded people, pathetically, were completely oblivious to the furniture of external enlightenment, which I like to call a mirror. Anyway, the thing is, some can be bullied because of reasons of their own, and others not; let the latter be person 'A'. When you put your resources into fighting and succeeding for 'A', there is a chance that 'A' will return to his/her original reasons for being bullied, and the bullying will return, analogous to some cancer cases. This is exactly why bullying is only stoppable by higher authorities who personally deal with not the bullied, but the bullier. The bullier is who must be stopped. We shouldn't have to change someone to fix their problems.

The author's comments:
Higher authorities have this sort of inner feeling or thought - an intuition - that the problem of bullying lies in the person being bullied. When they feel this way, their actions against the bully are mollified, sometimes drastically if the intuition starts to turn into a permanent belief. I've noticed this clearly with the 'higher authorities' which have tried to help me, and I've faced the consequences. There needs to be an acknowledgement of the true mindset of the bully; a knowledge basis which higher authorities all share in some way or another so that the bully is properly treated with and the innocent person saved.

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