Behind A Smile | Teen Ink

Behind A Smile

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Red marks on her wrist
caused by an addiction she can't resist
Every Time they call her names
it causes her an inner pain

But she hides behind a smile
only for a little while
Until she gets home an nobody is around
then that smile turns into a frown

Nobody will hear her out
nor do they care what she's about
So she grabs a cold silver blade
an adds more to the marks she has made

She cringes as it slices her wrist
but she is relieved that her pain is being dismissed
She smiles as the crimson blood hits the floor
and it keeps coming more and more

The cruel mean voices begin to fade as she drops the knife
she finally put an ending to her pain an strife
All the bullying, betrayal, and pain
was just more then she could maintain

So think about it for awhile
exactly what lies behind a smile

The author's comments:
i was bullied a lot when i was in school an i use to come home from school crying everyday. That along with being raped was enough to push me to the point where i started cutting. I just want to kids to wake up an see that their actions does have consequences an bullying and suicide is a real issue that needs to be stopped. It is horrible how mean kids can be an how many teens an preteens kill themselves everyday because of the bullying. So i hope this poem might actually wake kids up to this new ongoing problem. I really hope to save a life an to tell all the people who gets bullied to keep their heads up an push through it. Talk to somebody about it. Don't keep it bottled up because then it will get worse an will eventually drag you down to a point of no return.

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