Sleep Is Hell | Teen Ink

Sleep Is Hell

January 20, 2013
By ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every night I walk through the school corridors,
I flinch and cower as I see,
Figures upon the wall,
Hear the sniggers and the whispers....

"You're Worthless and Weird," they hiss,
Like Snakes.
Out from the shadows the monsters creep,
With their perfect hair and manicured nails....

"You're not good enough," they cackle,
As they surround me, their prey.
I try to block them out,
Cover my eyes, my ears, but I can't.

There's no way out, no escape from
The venemous words dripping with poision.
I scream, but no one hears,
I run, but in vain.

They hunt me down and trap me,
Looming upon me like Death.
They scratch me with their claws,
Scar me with their scorns.

Even now, when it's all in the past,
The 'jokes' haunt me, the insults echo in
My ears at night as I try not to sleep,
For sleep is Hell.

I'll never forget,
The way they made me feel,
Never fully recover from the sound of their voices.....

I was eventually resucued,
Taken to safety,
But even now I'm away,
In my mind, in my heart,
The voices stay.

The author's comments:
This poem is based on my own personal experience. Although I am now happy and confident, I once went through a time when it felt like the 'scars' the bullies had left would never fade and this poem is about the long lasting affect bullying can have on someone.

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This article has 1 comment.

passsionnnn said...
on Oct. 13 2013 at 10:05 am
passsionnnn, Bradford, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
i think this poem is beautiful we have all been through bullying we all know how it feels like but this work is amazing i can feel all the words coming from the heart and i want to see more poems from this aurthor she is got a great talent!