Your Poisoned Darts | Teen Ink

Your Poisoned Darts

January 16, 2013
By RenaeSadie96 DIAMOND, Haverhill, Massachusetts
RenaeSadie96 DIAMOND, Haverhill, Massachusetts
58 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't waste time thinking about what could've been."

Your words, they sting.
And when they hit my heart,
You're like Cupid,
Only with poisoned darts.
They crush me, and they burn,
If only you knew how they
Make my anger churn!
Then would your utterances stop?
'Cause if they don't stop soon,
I'm gonna cry, fall dead, and
Pop, like a balloon.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 23 2013 at 5:18 pm
Nice poetry as always :)