Harmful Rumors - Fight Against Bullying | Teen Ink

Harmful Rumors - Fight Against Bullying

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous

Harmful Rumors - Fight against Bullying

This is not about me, this is actually a narrative story of a friend. The first time she was bullied, I thought I couldn't help her. She is like a little sister to me. I don't even know how the rumors started. Her name will not be mentioned in this paper.
She is always getting a new boyfriend every week. They end the relationship though, not her. One day when she went to school, kids were calling her a whore. The kids or teenagers were telling others how much of a slut she is when she is not a slut or a whore. She is only fifteen and she is a virgin. She just falls for guys too easy like most girls do. Words hurt and people need to start realizing that when they bully others and call them names hurts them. They hurt as much as getting hit by someone. They can still give someone pain inside, it tears them apart slowly and will ruin them. These rumors are also explosive having everyone else think it is OK to bully her. It's not OK. She is always sad, but she never shows it. Some of the people who she even called "friends" were saying harmful rumors about her. All that did, was maker her lose trust for her so called "friends." A trust that they will never get back from her.
I really couldn't take it anymore. My friend was getting depressed. She was going suicidal and she was telling me over and over how much she wants to kill herself. I wasn't going to let that happen. I stuck by her side and I was not going to give up on her. We talked it over and she agreed to counseling. The counseling was difficult at first, but she broke out of her shell and started talking to the counseler and told her everything. The counselor helped her and taught her ways to ignore this kind of bullying. Her real friends and I started sticking up for her at school and that helped a lot. It made her school life much easier. Her family helped out too after I told them what was going on. They told her stories about how they got bullied at school and ways they dealt with it. They gave her advice and a few tips.
All these things became very helpful to her and she was slowly getting happier again. She started ignoring these harmful rumors. She was happy for the longest time that her grades even started going back up. She wasn't slacking on her work anymore. The crying had stopped and all the sorrow inside her went away. She also learned how to block the rumors out of her mind and not let them get to her. The bullies kept on with the rumors, but when they realized that they weren't getting to her, they gave up on trying. Everything went back to normal. No more suicidal thoughts, crying, sorrow, counseling, or rumors.
I made it and I didn't give up on her. I stuck by my friend's side and helped her while she was bullied half her high school life. We, her loved ones, saved her life even though it was one of the hardest things to do.
Written by an awesome FPA student

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece after seeing all the hurt my best friend went through from bullying. It is my hope that people will see the harmful affects of bullying.

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