I Am a Bullying Victim | Teen Ink

I Am a Bullying Victim

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous

I am a bullying victim. I wonder why people would treat others this way. I hear a voice inside me, and she wants to be free. I see I am rejected. I want to be accepted. I am a bullying victim.
I pretend I am ok. I feel the pain though, anyway. I touch my heart and sigh and I always wonder why. I worry things will stay the same and I will always be called a name. I cry when harsh words are said and I find comfort in my bed. I am a bullying victim.
I understand I am special. I say what I know to be right. I dream of a future that’s bright. I hope to be free. I want to be me. I am a bullying victim.
I am free. I wonder why I couldn’t speak up before. I hear a voice and I know it’s me, it’s free. I see the adults who helped me two years before. I want to tell them it’s them I adore. I am free.
I pretend I can fly. I feel my heart soaring high. I touch my hand to my head and I’m glad I’m not someone else instead. I cry for others who are sad I pray that they don’t feel too bad. I am free.
I understand there’s no part of me that needs to change. I say my dreams to the world. I dream of peace, happiness, and a life of bliss. I hope my dreams come true. I try to be friends with you. I am free.

The author's comments:
This poem is very much about my personal experiences growing up and how I was bullied from first to sixth grade. To anyone who is currently feeling this way now, know that it's not a myth, and things really do get better. You are perfect, and there's nothing wrong with you, there's something wrong with your bully to treat you this way. You are a good person, and you don't deserve to be a victim. Stay strong and carry on.

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