When I saw you getting bullied | Teen Ink

When I saw you getting bullied

January 31, 2013
By ceceredd BRONZE, Rochester, New York
ceceredd BRONZE, Rochester, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes not feeling is the only way you can survive"

When I saw you getting bullied i couldnt help but to think of me when I got bullied. They way the treated you...... it made me think of how the treated me. When I saw you getting bullied I saw the wrath in the Bullys eyes. how she disliked you. her clique stading behind her, egging her on. What made it really funny was that they were once your friend...... I stood up for you and you did the same for me. As I saw you getting bullied, I saw how strong you were. You didnt let them break you down, you stood your ground. You've inspired me so much. I wish I could have been strong as you. When I saw you getting bullied......... I saw me.

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