Shine | Teen Ink


February 10, 2013
By Anonymous

I am a diamond. I shine under the pressures of every day life but sometimes life gets tough. I get cut and scratched and beaten and hurt and worn out. Sometimes I think to myself how much I hate life. I hate the girls that snicker at me as I walk past, I hate the teachers who don't realize that we actually have other classes that hand out just as much homework as they do, and I hate the people that think they understand me when they really have no idea what is going on. I hate people and their complete indifference to the world around them. I hate the smirks and accusing glances that people give me even though I already feel pathetic and alone. I hate people.

Yet, I always manage to contradict my previous statements by looking for the good in everyone. You have no idea what a kind word or a gentle smile will do for someone who is lost. We all hunger to find approval from someone, anyone. I, as a human being need to feel loved. How could someone deprive someone else of this? Easily. They don't think. Despite all of this, all the hardships and pain, I am a diamond all the same.

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