Too Cool for School | Teen Ink

Too Cool for School

March 8, 2013
By AllieB11 BRONZE, Bay Springs, Mississippi
AllieB11 BRONZE, Bay Springs, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They think they are too cool for school.
In their minds, they are the ones who rule.
But sadly enough, society has changed.
Maybe one day their thoughts will be rearranged.
Let’s go back to when the true “cool” was innocence and modesty,
But, no, that can’t be with all the pressures of society.
Let’s go back to the way things were,
When all the people didn’t judge her,
For who she is, or what she may not be,
Or even for the outer beauty she didn’t receive.
Inner beauty, that is what she has,
But because of how she looks, they won’t give her a second pass.
And why is everyone so full of hate?
Certainly back then it would have been of distaste.
Hopefully soon they’ll realize, that their flamboyance,
Is to us, just an annoyance.
The things that matter to them now,
Will later change somehow.
So here’s to the kids who aren’t too cool for school.
When we get older, we’ll be the ones who rule.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because of the bullying happening in my school. Everyone is so hateful. I get picked on everyday, but I just ignore it. I hope that someone will read my poem and realize that the people who bully them really don't matter, and one day, they will rise to great heights. Never be afraid to be who you are because of how others treat you because somewhere out there in the world, there are many people who are just like you and will love you for who you are.

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This article has 2 comments.

Stacey said...
on Mar. 17 2013 at 6:46 pm
Great submission. I hate the old saying "stick and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me," because it is a lie. Words can hurt. Young people need to realize the power of language -- positive or negative. You are not defined by who others say you are, though. You are defined by who GOD says you are, and He says you are precious and unique. Keep up the good work.

on Mar. 16 2013 at 2:20 pm
You are headed for great things.  :)  All my best.