Life Gets Better | Teen Ink

Life Gets Better

March 20, 2013
By Ostara Nicneven BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
Ostara Nicneven BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

She was only 12 years old and she wanted to take her own life. My sister took a handful of pills during school a few months ago. She was called a faggot, ugly, gay, and much more words. I never knew that someones words would hurt my sister so much. I remember looking into her crystal blue eyes as they glistened in a blank stare, piercing through the ceiling. There was fear in her face as she laid there motionless. Every last breath of hope was taken away from her. Her friends, classmates, and I pushed her over the edge. The doctor told us she would most likely not make it through the night. When I heard that from my mom it was the first time that I actually had tears rolling down my cheeks. Being the strong warrior she is, she survived the night and the next three days at Children's Hospital. After she was stable she was admitted to a mental hospital over an hour away.

When I went to school everyone asked how she was doing. Anger consumed every last bit of me and I screamed at my best friend for asking how she was doing. I got into a fight with a boy on the bus for being my sisters main attacker. All he did was laugh and say “It’s not my fault. She’s the one that tried to take her own life, she is a freak.” I told on him the following day and we had a huge meeting about bullying that happens on our bus. Everything then went back to normal after we got a seating chart.

A few weeks later, my sister came back to school and there was a no bullying policy. Ever since she tried to take her own life nobody has been bullied. If it really takes someone to try and commit suicide at school to stop bullying that has been going on since prehistoric time, then what kind of society are we living in?

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 28 2013 at 11:31 pm
Ostara Nicneven BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I know it does, it's pretty sad. They apologized.

on Mar. 27 2013 at 10:35 pm
bookmouse BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 90 photos 251 comments
It happens even younger than 12.  Did they ever apologize?