Reaching A Helpful Hand: Choose Your Fate | Teen Ink

Reaching A Helpful Hand: Choose Your Fate

August 1, 2013
By KingKo247 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
KingKo247 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Eyyyyyyyyy, Epic King Ko!!! Huh, what, huh? Epic King Ko style!

To the reader who is most likely a victim of bullying and wanted to check this story out, and to anyone else... This is to all of you. You specifically. 1,000's of other people could read this but I mean every word as if I was talking to you, as if I was your best-friend. That means though we don't even know each other most likely, there is a connection between us, if you want to keep that... Is up to you, just like the title. You choose your fate, your life, and your happiness. I was once bullied, and have since had very bad emotional trauma I'll never forget. Even after the bullying, there are certain situations that drain the willpower to keep pushing forward... Why am I telling you this? To tell you if you have a dream or a person you will push yourself to keep going for, use that as your drive, even if in the end... Whatever you were fighting for isn't there, you are stronger for fighting through that rough time. So never give up, dreams grow sour, but when you give it all you got and you get to whatever you were fighting for, it's that much sweeter. Hang in there I may not know you but there are people that care, and who would miss you if you left one way or another... Including me, some guy none of you may ever know. Stay strong.

The author's comments:
As per me being a victim of bullying, I always love to help those who cast themselves away from people (loners) and any other forms of insecure people, because although I still am one (a loner, though I have gotten better)... With enough self-determination and encouragement from external sources, you can get out of any slump.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 17 2013 at 7:21 pm
KingKo247 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Eyyyyyyyyy, Epic King Ko!!! Huh, what, huh? Epic King Ko style!

I'd love opinions/thoughts on the article, let me know if you'd like! :)