Funny How | Teen Ink

Funny How

September 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Funny how everywhere I go people hate me.
Starting in middle school:
I went from a Christian school through 6th grade, no one there liked me. Teachers picked on me. Students acted like I had diseases, but how much can you like a girl after her brother dies and she find him? Something tells me that causes some of my mental issues. Even though they don’t show up on doctor records I know something is wrong with me…
My mom was the type of woman to feed me lies about my dad. She got me to do something horrible, but told me everything would be okay. So I told people my Dad hit me when he never laid a hand on me… Long story short I moved in with my mom. I was happy for a while because I knew I was going to switch schools. I went from a Christian school to Farnsley Middle School. I went in with a virtue with a innocence about me, but it was soon ripped from me with their harsh words and fists. People called me various horrible names, girls wanted to fight me everyday. I would sit and cry not standing up for myself.
I was so depressed at the time being in that school, my mom with her own techniques helped me get unstressed. We would play drinking games and she’d give me cigarettes. Little info I only have one kidney, the drinks she gave me could have killed me, but she didn’t care. I ended up moving back in with my dad. Switching schools trying to start again, I ended up going to Frost Middle School. I went into this school thinking everything was going to be okay, not… There were people here that just picked me out… Except here there was physical bullying along with words.
I remember one day sitting on the gym floor reading before the bell rang and being kicked in my kidney… Everyone thought it was funny that it sent me to the hospital… I was to the point where I just took everything they threw at me… Moving from middle school to high school I thought it would all just end because I was going to one of the best high schools in the state. No. One of the girls followed me to Butler, she kept it all going. Soon everyone hated me. I realized that I need to stand up for myself. The end of my Freshman year, the last day to be exact, one of them was starting things again, I walked up to her and punched her as hard as I could in her face, then I got my ass kicked. I now know don’t fight a girl that’s bigger than you…
One person made all the abuse worth it though… Cody, he held me tight when I was sad or scared, but he’s a totally different story. My Junior year my parents put our house up for sale, I hoped to God it wouldn’t sell because I love Cody and being far away from him would kill me… After Junior year ended I didn’t expect to hear my parents say our house sold, but they did. Everything was over… I cried for 3 days straight. I was losing my lover and my best friend, my only friend. This was happening, but I promised him to stay in touch and when I turned 18 I’d run away with him. I know I know it’s a dumb thing to promise, but it kept me sane.
Moving to Lanesville I thought it would be nice, but no… Everyone here hates me to except for a select few. Apparently I am a slut, I am a creep, and apparently I run my mouth about everyone in the school. Nothing is true, but who believes you when youre new? Funny how everything is my fault and now I am not even allowed to talk to Cody so please someone shoot me. My life is pointless, so much drama that I didn’t ask for and my life is basically s***. Yeah, it’s that bad.

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on Oct. 2 2013 at 2:30 pm
TimexxFlies GOLD, Sunland, California
16 articles 0 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't know the key to success. However, the key to failure is trying to please everybody. ~Bill Cosby

I like it. :) Keep on writing. I'm sure loads of people (like me) can relate to it.