Heartbreaking friendship | Teen Ink

Heartbreaking friendship

November 22, 2013
By Hyunjoong Kim BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Hyunjoong Kim BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I hate you! Get out of here!” Peter shouted in an unusually loud voice, perhaps students from other classrooms could hear. His voice trembled, with his tone rather monotonous, and awkward.
“Okay fine! I’m so disappointed of you.” James kicked the door and stormed out of the classroom being furious.
“I don’t deserve such a treatment! I’m never going to help him again!” he screamed to himself.
James walked away from the classroom, all the way down to the cafeteria. He started to eat his favorite food, Bosco Sticks, which he would usually bolt down and be satisfied with the combination of sweet bread and the cheese that melt inside. But not today, he felt no taste of the food and in fact, he tasted bitterness and was disgusted by the smell of it. Oh how the sense of betrayal made him so bitter. But when he realized the truth, it was all too late.
The story tracks back several months, to the beginning of the school year. As freshmen in high school, the two were both somewhat worried, and excited about the new school environment. Actually, one was entirely worried about his life at school. The one was Peter, who had a small frame, looked so pale as if he were about to faint, and was very much of an introvert. He never wanted to talk with someone, be in a group, or even seemed to have no interest in anything. He seemed to have no enthusiasm for his life. On the other hand, James was an energizer. He, unlike Peter, was six- foot tall, muscular, had a good looking, and had many friends thanks to his extrusive behavior. On the first day of school the two amazingly different guys sat next to each other. Although this disharmonious pair barely had any conversation, they soon had a connection to each other. Peter envied James for his appearance and characteristics, and James had compassion for Peter since he could know in his heart that Peter was a good man.
But this was not the case for the rest of the class. At first, there were several people that came to Peter and attempted to be friends with him.
“Hey how are you?”
“Are you feeling bad?”
“Will you say something?!”
All the people that came up to him felt that they were being ignored. Their hospitality turned in to hostility. This was the cause of the disastrous event.

“Hey Peter! Go buy three breads and three chocolate milks with this” said Max throwing a dime to Peter.
“Oh hey, remember to get fifty cents in exchange.” Max and his fellows giggled and walked away. Now all by his own, Peter had no choice but to go buy them. He hated to think about the unpleasant experience he had when he refused to do so. He bitterly walked down to the cafeteria and bought three breads and three chocolate milks which obviously were way over a dime. He hated his life. Every day he suffered from this bullying, which made him to even steal his mother’s money to meet the unreasonable demand. Peter had the saddest face that anyone could have in the world. At that time, James was devouring Bosco Sticks at the cafeteria as usual. Taking his last bite, he looked up and saw the sad face of Peter.
“What’s wrong Peter?” said James as he dumped the trash away and walked towards Peter, still having a mouth full of Bosco Sticks. Peter did not answer, but it was written on the lines in his face. James knew that something was going on. He secretly followed Peter and saw the bullying with his own eyes. James ran out and punched Max in the face screaming, “How can you do such an inhumane thing to your class mate!” with a furious voice. Max and his friends could not say a word or resist, since they were afraid of making James any madder, someone who had popularity and power. They were strong to the weak and weak to the strong.
After this incident, Max and his friends bullied Peter more secretly and harshly, when James was not there. None of the other classmates were willing to help, who were afraid of getting bullied themselves. Peter could not bear any longer.
“Help! The doors are locked! Somebody open the door!” regardless of the gender, everyone was screaming and running around the classroom trying to save their lives. Flames were fiercely burning as if it were to swallow the whole classroom. In fact, it was getting close to doing so. Inside the flame where everyone was panicking, only Peter stood there peacefully. He had tears running down his cheeks along with a light smile. “It’s all over, it’s all over” he mumbled as the ceiling swooped down upon its prey. Thirty- four out of the thirty- five class members died in this holocaust, with James being the only survivor.

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