Conquering Self-Harm | Teen Ink

Conquering Self-Harm

November 25, 2013
By Anonymous

I had mixed feelings about “Conquering self-harm by Karen. It made me realize what extent bullying has gotten to. Karen states “I hated everything about myself by the tender age of nine”. You shouldn't feel bad about what you look like in the moment because there’s always a future and you don’t know what's going to happen in the future. She says “These emotions piled up and eventually overflowed when I was 13. I made my first cut in the summer of 2009, with a broken CD case.” You don’t have to listen to the people around you.
You can just ignore them. As for your family, they're just trying to help. Somebody I know cuts himself when he’s bored. He’s become so addictive that he does it even when he’s not bored. I admire that you came out and spoke about what it’s like. Not many people are able to talk about it or recover from it. I don’t really think anything of it really. Ya it would be nice if my friend wouldn’t do it but it’s not my life to manipulate. Not many people are willing to help, most just criticize. I would like to say thanks to the English teacher that told her that she had worth. It sounds like he played a big part in the recovery.

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