What would you Remember? | Teen Ink

What would you Remember?

December 17, 2013
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

if you were to remember something what would it be?
Would it be studying?Brushing your teeth?Combing your hair?
Or could it be to not bully people?
Bullying affects us more than you know
They sit down wishing and hoping you will stop
Please they say inside please say you are sorry and will stop this torcher
They plead for you to stop in the inside
But do you?
will you stop?
No you yell at them
No i won’t you say in there face
All the times i tried to stop you you fought back over and over they cry out in anguish pain and and hurt!
But you just laugh walk by them and sneer...They hurt so bad….stop.STOP!please stop they yell and then they are gone!
Gone with the wind buried in the ground beneath out feet all because of what you did to them.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a girl at our school who actually is bullied all the time and i know that its not right so i step in and say"enough is enough"and i take the girl to my counselor at school after she has bullied in the locker room beyond recognition!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 16 2014 at 4:03 pm
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

please seek help you ARE not alone if you need to talk to someone you can talk to me or a trusted adult i may not be an adult but i like to help people

on Jan. 19 2014 at 9:54 pm
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

I have been bullied and these are the feelings i have towards them and myself.I have a feeliing alot of people out there can connect with this poem and the feelings behind it. Please if you have read this and have bullied or are bullying somone please stop and think about the things that you are doing and how they are feeling.And please relize that the bullies out there will stop when you fightback but not with hate and loudness but in silence.Relize that you are not alone in this and can be helped