why do you do this to me? | Teen Ink

why do you do this to me?

December 17, 2013
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

They hurt me in ways you may not know.I beg you to stop all the torcher and physical abuse you have done to me and my body i ask myself why you have done this to me! why me? why?! I scream into the night
but the echo only responds to me
I finally came to terms it is time that i end this pain
I leave a not eon the counter for my family
Telling them i am going to leave them for good
forever into the dark maybe the light will claim me
The cold metal barrel presses into my head blood is every were when the BANG! is heard footsteps are filling my ears as i fall to the ground and then i am gone sirens are buzzing in my ears as i am hauled off to a uncertain place my heartbeat slows and my concern grows as i leave you but right before my life ends i see a light but then its gone and i am surrounded by stupid dark i am scared
i wake up in a bright room with a scream i ma still alive i beg who ever comes to kill me but they do not listen because i cant speak i ma mute forever my mom enters the room with tears streaming down her face when she speaks it is all strangled!
Don't ever do this to me again she repeats over and over but its not regestering i died in that very hour that night my moms soft sobbing is by my side the whole time i wish i did not do this to her or me because i knew the end is near!

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