S/O to all my Haters! | Teen Ink

S/O to all my Haters!

January 8, 2014
By Everett E.K BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Everett E.K BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

at people use fists in the streets.Eventually,it leads to deaths,suicides,etc.
Today I disagree with you. These are reasons why violence is a gruesome thing.

- You’ll regret it.

-Bad reputation.

-You’ll hurt someone.


-It’ll affect people lives.

Based on the movie, “He’s Got Game”, when Jake S. killed Jesus S. mom Martha S. instead of using words because he was mad at Jesus S. Later,in life Jake S. had regret killing his wife Martha.
This relates back to my claim that violence isn't always the solution.

{Bad reputation}
-People will look at you funny.
-You’ll feel like it’s your fault.
Another example is when you take away one of your co-workers files out of their computer.
You get caught and now it reflects on you having a bad reputation. This also, relates back to my claim
that violence is so serious.

{You’ll hurt someone: S.P.E.M}

-It could affect them now,but affects you later in life.
-You’ll also recieve severe consequences based on the pain is to the victim.
My last example is when you are talking about racial problems and someone calls you racist and you just want to him/her. It hurts people spritually,physically,emotionally,and mentally[S.P.E.M].


Now,others might think that violence is good most of the time. People say this because some people don’t listen to others who are angry,and get so angry that they want to use violence. But, I think if someone else used violence on theirselves.
To conclude, I just want to tell people who use violence that it’s not all about being the winner, it’s not
all about being the strongest, and it’s not about being the bravest, because eventually the winner,the strongest,the bravest all fall down. So, never use violence,use words before violence!


The author's comments:
What really inspired me to write this essay is because I always see people get bullyed so S/O to all of people haters cause' haters gonna' hate!

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 12:01 pm
Congrats on getting published, Everett! Let's try to do some more editing next time before you submit though, okay?