Open-Hearted Letter | Teen Ink

Open-Hearted Letter

January 11, 2014
By Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To Everybody who has is being bullied,
My name is Saket and I am 15 years old. If I tell you that I know how you feel I would be a liar. I have only seen a few instances of bullying and I have tried to intervene. I have never been there in the victims position.
I am sorry for all the pain you have had to go through. I am sorry that I can't tell you that I will make it all better. I am sorry that the only reason you have gone through all this pain is because of something god-given or a small ignorable mistake. I am sorry that the bullies are so ignorant and act so stupid but I am happy to say that YOU can stop it.
You can deploy the parachute to stop the free-fall, you can save yourself from the drowning, you can save yourself from bullying.It doesn't have to be something you live with because i know you are strong, you can fight, you don't deserve this. Believe in yourself because if you don't ,who will.
Stand up, if not for you for a young middle scholar who might soon have to face it. Stand up to those who do wrong,because you know you are doing the right. Stand up to show everybody you are not weak but are a champion. Don't believe what they say, you know you're right. I believe in you, there are millions who believe in you. You are not alone, just look around and you will find who you seek. The help is there somewhere, find it and use it. Let's all join hands and stop this madness because as a wise man once said "Be the change you want to see".

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