Survivor | Teen Ink


January 11, 2014
By emilylizabethS BRONZE, Lake Mills, Wisconsin
emilylizabethS BRONZE, Lake Mills, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I fight with my army, the army of the people of the past, present or future who despise themselves because of so called “ jokes “ you say .
You never did care though. I bet when I tell this story you’ll know I'm talking to you. Remember that day you tripped me and called me fat. And the rest of the year people made cow noises at me. Yeah, I remember that I hope you do too.. Because one day you'll grow up and you may have a daughter and you’ll love that baby girl like my parents' love me and you’ll want to KILL anyone who harms her think about that next time. What would you tell that beautiful creation you made if everyone called her fat ? Would you laugh at her like you laughed at me? Or suddenly would it not be so funny. I don't think it would be....

I was innocent until you ripped me in half pieces by piece ash by ash until I was nothing but a slow beating heart, you stomped on that too and then I was dead . It's all you wanted. From me. You told me all the time. I won't give into your sick satisfaction though. See the difference between you and me is. I'm nice. I could wish and pray for something bad to happen to you, but I won't' honestly, I hope you grow up and have a wonderful life, but I hope you think of me the moment your kids bullied and see the effect it has on them and me. And yeah, I'm going to keep living my life and I'll find happiness somewhere, someone wants me and I'm sure someone wants you!

The author's comments:
This is something I wrote when I was younger . I found it awhile back. The soft paper was hardened with my tears. And the crimson stain of blood still streaked the white paper. I'll never get to read to my bullies the pain I felt that day. Although I am better now. I Want them to know the everyday pain they caused me. I hope not only people who have been bullied but bullies read this. I hope this inspires people spewing hate at other people to stop . And I hope if your too scared to tell anyone about getting bullied or you think no one will believe you, I hope you can find courage to speak up for yourself. No one deserves to be miserable, so here is where ill begin….

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