Salvation | Teen Ink


January 11, 2014
By alex4023 BRONZE, Piraeus, Other
alex4023 BRONZE, Piraeus, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know why I believed that I must be like them. I thought that I should dress like them,talk like them even walk the way they do. Maybe they made me believe in that.I believed in their accusations. I convinced myself that I'm nothing special that I deserve nothing. I didn’t have my own personality, maybe I still don't, but now I know,after all these years of suffering I finally know.I know that I won’t let anyone hurt me, I won’t let myself be broken because someone else is too weak to accept who they are. Too weak to believe in themselves.Too weak to understand my limits.Too weak to try to feel me but strong enough to TRY to hurt me.From now on they won't look at me as I am inferior because I finally realised that I deserve respect, I DEMAND to be respected. I found the strength inside of me to fight back.I found the strength to speak louder when they don't want me to be heard.I shall not be trapped anymore,I set myself free from the cage they put me in.

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