Became Part of the Dead | Teen Ink

Became Part of the Dead

February 16, 2014
By Anonymous

As you walk,
Counting your steps.
Your mind on one topic,
The so many deaths.
You pass by so many people,
People that pay no mind.
Shocked at what they hear,
What they're just about to find.
Attempts at the ending of ones life,
That's not something new.
But the people who actually care,
There are only a few.
It's truly sad.
Of course it is.
Those thousands of families,
Their loved ones missed.
You look around,
Feeling alone.
Looking for a place,
You can call home.
You've about lost all hope,
You crave for the feeling of a tight rope.
In the park,
Is a big tree.
You smile a cold smile,
"A perfect place to be seen."
You feel the ruff ness of the tool,
You'll use to reveal all the careless fools.
20 minutes later,
Time had stopped.
The people gathered around,
All stood and looked at the top.
The once lovely child,
Was now pale and red,
As if been dropped into sorrow for a while.
All the people look with dread.
They should've cared before another child,
Became part of the dead.

The author's comments:
I can relate this piece to myself.
The looks that people have,
As if there's no trouble in this world.
The reason why these kids resort to this,
Is because of the fact that cruel people make them feel as if they have no purpose in life, or feel the need to escape from everything.
It's disturbing.
People go as far as to make someone feel so depressed that they feel the need to end their life.
Help these people.
We shouldn't feel this way.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 24 2014 at 4:12 pm
xxDayDreamerxx BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
We all die. The goal isn't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will.

Amazing! Love!