Assumed | Teen Ink


September 19, 2014
By EmmaElise1996 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
EmmaElise1996 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Clark’s alarm went off. Slamming her hand down on the snooze button. She started to crawl out of her bed. Tired from the night before. She shuffled over to her bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror. Woah. She thought. Last night must’ve been crazy.
Her long blonde hair was mangled into a bun, with a ponytail holder hanging from a strand of hair. Eyeliner smeared across her eyelids, her mascara clumpy. She looked like hell.
As she attempted to brush her ratsnest on top of her head… Buzz. It was her phone. She grabbed it off the counter to check it.
In shock, Clark dropped her phone. What did I do?
Clark finished brushing her hair, hopped into the shower and hoped that the texts would stop. The warm water rushing over her skin felt nice. Scrubbing the neon pain off her skin from last night. Oh, how much fun she had. Last party of her senior year. Finished with her shower, she hopped out, and wrapped her gray towel around herself. Buzz. Her phone again. Grabbing it off the counter, 31 new message notifications.
  What happened last night?

It was her friend Cassi.
I just went to Frank’s black light party. I
       don’t remember doing anything bad.
  I keep hearing from everyone
  that you are being called a slut.
       It’s true. My phone has been blowing up
       all morning. But I don’t remember doing
       anything last night that people would call
       me a slut for.
  That’s weird. I’m coming over
  so we can figure this out.
       Okay, just let me know when you are here.

Clark set her phone down. She started to get herself ready for the day. Lightly blow drying her hair, till it felt dry enough to go throughout her day with. Walking back through her room, she noticed the pictures in the hallway. Her parents and her. Her sister and her. Kellie, her older sister, had been off at college for the past three years. And her parents, well they’d been gone on a mission trip to Africa for the past six months, which was supposed to be three.
Opening her drawers, she pulled out one of her nice tank tops. She put it on with a pair of jeans.
Ding Dong.
Hustling down her stairs, for Cassi. As she flung the front door open, it wasn’t Cassi there. No one was. Except a flaming bag of s***, sitting on her front porch. In disbelief she stood there for a moment, just enough time for three girls in a white Volkswagen Bug to drive by. All the windows rolled down, and the girls yelled,
Angered, she opened the closet door, and pulled out the fire extinguisher. Just as she got the flame out, Cassi was there.
“What the hell!” Cassi said.
“Some girls left it here, and did a drive by and yelled skank at me.”
“Seriously, what happened last night?”
“I really have no clue!”
As Cassi walked up her front porch, she pulled out a box of bacon.
“I thought we, well you, could make us breakfast,” Cassi said to Clark as she walked inside.
“God, it’s so quiet in here,” Cassi stated. “Have your parents come back from Africa yet?”
“No. They haven’t. And they’re three month late. And they don’t even call anymore,”
Clark replied as they walked into the kitchen.
She pulled out three pans. Each on their own burner, she placed the bacon down. As it started sizzling, she browned hash browns, and made sunnyside up eggs. Cassi sat at the table on her phone, texting her boyfriend Alex. Walking over to the table, Clark had two glasses of orange juice. Setting them down she went back to prepare plates for them. She waltzed back with the plates just like the waiter from Red Robin does. And Cassi laughed at her.
“We need to figure out what happened last night,” Clark said to Cassi, as she shoved her face with food.
“I bet Frank can tell you!” Cassi managed to get out with her mouth full of food.
“Good idea we can head over after we eat.”
The girls ate their food faster than they ever had before. Anxious to see what Frank would say to them.
They cleaned their plates off and headed out to Clark’s car. Cassi climbed into Clark’s lifted truck, and Clark laughed at her.
“Ha, you can’t even get into my truck. I’ve been driving you around for two years!”
“I know. It’s just so high up, and I wore my tight jeans today.”
“Oh goodness. Hurry up so we can go!”
When they arrived at Frank’s house, he was out cleaning up the trash on the yard. They hopped out of the truck, and Frank looked up and waved.
“Hey guys what are you doing here?”
“Hey, well were here cause my phone has been blowing up all morning, by random people calling me a slut and a whore,” Clark responded.
“That’s intense. Come on in and I’ll help you figure it out.”
They walked inside his house, to his trashed living room. He pushed off the trash to make room for them to sit down.
It was from Shelly.
  You’re a little skank.You can’t go around getting with other girls boyfriends and
think it is okay. Just cause guys like you doesn’t mean you can get what you
want and take what isn’t yours.
Clark looked up to her friends.
“Shelly thinks I hooked up with Mark.”
“Clark, you left before Shelly even got here,” Frank responded.
The girls then sat down on the couch with Frank, to try and figure out what had happened. When all of a sudden the doorbell rang.
Ding Dong. Frank got up to get it.
“Is the stupid slut here?” the girls heard Shelly say from the living room. Shelly came racing into the room.
“Get up you slut and tell the truth.”
“I didn’t hook up with Mark, Shelly,” Clark replied.
“You did! I saw you on him.” Shelly said as she swung a punch at Clark.
“Why are you trying to fight me when I’m telling the truth?”
Shelly didn’t respond. She grabbed Clarks collar on her shirt and picked her up and shoved her to the ground. Before Shelly could start hitting Clark, Frank pulled her away.
“She wasn’t there Shelly! I was the host. I know when people come and leave my parties. And if she had hooked up with Mark she would’ve admitted to it when you asked her.” Frank told her as he held Shelly back.
Shelly pushed off of Frank in anger.
“If it wasn’t Clark then who was that stupid blonde girl on top of my boyfriend?” Shelly asked.
“We know you’re mad Shell, but you should talk to Mark, not the girl.” Cass told her. “I’ll go with you to talk to him. We all will.”
The girls all piled into Shelly’s car, and headed over to Mark’s house. When they got there Shelly burst into tears.
“I can’t do this! Mark and I have been together for three years. What if he has been cheating on me since we started dating. I don’t want to hear how many girls he has been with.”
“It’s going to be okay. Take the anger you had towards me and use it on Mark. There is no use in fighting another girl for him. Fight him,” Clark told Shelly.
Shelly walked up to Mark’s house and disappeared.
“What a day.”

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