Anti-Bullying Efforts at School | Teen Ink

Anti-Bullying Efforts at School

March 25, 2015
By DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Places around the world have fallouts, and they have been around for a while. Bullying has been an issue ever since kids suffered depression about their life and cut it short. Due to these fallouts, schools have taken the offensive to bullying. One school has tried hard in a month to break away from bullying in the school.

That one school had problems rise out in the first semester. It’s name was called “Yik Yak” and it spread around the school. What did people do on this harmless sounding app? They began to roast whatever they wanted, bullying other people and possibly the school altogether. The school’s first response was to go on this app themselves and try to talk the students out of it, but were ignored. This caused another approach to the saddening situation. They blocked Yik Yak all within a certain radius of the school with a Geo-fence. People were stalled that day.

But that wasn’t the end of trying to stop bullying. They did something called “NoH8 Week” after the Yik Yak breakout. Compliments on colorful, small sticky notes were placed along all the lockers, each one saying something different. This was also when signs were placed around the school, all of which were in the positive side of things. They were trying to cheer the students up, to stop and forget what had happened the previous week.

As a student learning foreign languages, I wanted participation in the event that was done, in their way, to go against the school issue. It wasn’t much like an event, but was a shirt that would say “It’s not weird... it’s different.” This one shirt says the two words, “weird” and “different” across the shirt in different languages. It is my duty to cherish this shirt because of the message it has to send to people. It promotes difference in people, to forget trying to blend in. The shirt shows it wants you to be you.

These, in my eyes, are the many ways my school has fought bullying. We are one team.

The author's comments:

The whole "One Team" thing is the slogan for our school.

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